Pneumatized septal turbinate

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Yenigun, ALPER
Ozturan, ORHAN
Buyukpinarbasili, NUR

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Intumenscentia septi nasi anterior is an anatomical variation in the nasal cavity, first described by Morgagni in 1662; septal turbinate and tuberculum septi nasi anterior are among the various other names attributed to this anatomical structure. It is an expandable vascular network which develops from the septal mucosa. Computed tomography, following history-taking and physical examination, is a valuable tool in diagnosing turbinate pneumatisation. This paper reports the case of a 23-year-old female with nasal stuffiness as her primary complaint, who was found to have pneumatization of the septum mimicking the septal concha. Pneumatization of the septal turbinate may also be a cause of septal enlargement. The symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment options for cases of septal turbinate are discussed. The surgical interventions performed in the presented case are briefly described. The presented patient had a pneumatization of the septal turbinate, like those of the conchae. It is reported for the first time in medical literature, and the histological and functional similarities of the septal turbinate and of the nasal conchae are pointed out. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.




Yenigun A., Ozturan O., Buyukpinarbasili N., -Pneumatized septal turbinate-, AURIS NASUS LARYNX, cilt.41, ss.310-312, 2014
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