Comparison of Different Decision Support Software Programs in Perspective of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions In Oncology Clinic

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Bektay, Muhammed Yunus
Şeker, Zehra
Eke, Hatice Kübra
Türk, Hacı Mehmet
İzzettin, Fikret Vehbi

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Background and Objective: Cancer treatment is one the most compelling situation for healthcare providers. The situation itself already complicated enough. In addition, cancer treatment requires multiple medication usage simultaneously. Drug-drug interactions (DDI) compose 20-30% of adverse effects. Drug-drug interactions are responsible 4% of mortality in oncology. Cancer patients are more prone to experience drug-drug interactions, because of taking multiple medications with anticancer agents to reduce or prevent the side effects that are caused by chemotherapeutic agents.Since the clinical pharmacists have a key role to prevent DDIs and to enhance the patients’ quality of life, a multidisciplinary approach is an important necessity in cancer care.Setting and Method: Cross-sectional observational study was conducted through interviews with 133 patients. In our study we would like to evaluate DDIs of patient who applied Oncology clinic of Bezmialem Vakif University Istanbul Turkey. This study has been approved by noninvasive Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Bezmialem Vakif University with decision number of 21/286 on 21.112017. Drug-drug interactions were evaluated using three sources: Lexicomp®, Medscape® and Micromedex®. Interaction levels have been taking into consideration were serious-use alternative and monitor closely for Medscape®, Serious-Use Alternative and Major Micromedex® and Category X and D for Lexicomp®.Main outcome measures: Evaluation of DDIs in perspective of number and comparison between different clinical decision support systems.Results: 244 different medicine prescribed 1712 times to 133 patients. According to our results number of DDIs were 265-1472 (1,99-11,07 DDI/patient) for Medscape®, 38-1006 (0,29-7,56 DDI/patient) for Micromedex and for Lexicomp® were 86-532 (1,99-4,00 DDI/patient).Conclusion: This study revealed that DDIs is common problem among oncology patients in hospital settings. When pharmacist making a decision using various software and decision support systems with different level of evidences. This study showed us that trusting one software completely could lead clinician to failure. On the other hand, patients with comorbidities, renal impairment and polypharmacy are more prone to have more DRPs.



Bektay M. Y. , Şeker Z., Eke H. K. , Türk H. M. , İzzettin F. V. , -Comparison of Different Decision Support Software Programs in Perspective of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions In Oncology Clinic-, 48th ESCP Symposium. The Digital Revolution: Supporting clinical pharmacy through e-health, digital support systems, big data and more., Ljubljana, Slovenya, 23 - 25 October 2019, ss.1


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