2. Effects of Quorum sensing molecules Combinations with Antimicrobial Agents on Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Single and Dual-species Biofilms co-culture on bronchial epithelial cells

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Hacıosmanoğlu E.
Yetke H. İ.
Yılmaz F. N.
Hacıoğlu M.

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Tıp, Eczacılık, Temel Eczacılık Bilimleri, Farmasötik Mikrobiyoloji, Sağlık Bilimleri, Temel Tıp Bilimleri, Biyofizik, Medicine, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Basic Pharmaceutics Sciences, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Health Sciences, Fundamental Medical Sciences, Biophysics, Klinik Tıp (MED), Yaşam Bilimleri (LIFE), Klinik Tıp, Biyoloji ve Biyokimya, Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji, BİYOFİZİK, FARMAKOLOJİ VE ECZACILIK, TIP, GENEL & DAHİLİ, Clinical Medicine (MED), Life Sciences (LIFE), CLINICAL MEDICINE, BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY, BIOPHYSICS, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL, Genel Sağlık Meslekleri, Farmakoloji, Farmakoloji, Toksikoloji ve Eczacılık (çeşitli), Genel Farmakoloji, Toksikoloji ve Eczacılık, Patofizyoloji, Temel Bilgi ve Beceriler, Değerlendirme ve Teşhis, Farmakoloji (tıbbi), Dahiliye, Aile Sağlığı, İlaç Rehberleri, Tıp (çeşitli), Genel Tıp, Yaşam Bilimleri, Pharmacy, General Health Professions, Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous), General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, Pathophysiology, Fundamentals and Skills, Assessment and Diagnosis, Pharmacology (medical), Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Drug Guides, Medicine (miscellaneous), General Medicine, Life Sciences


Hacıosmanoğlu E., Yetke H. İ., Yılmaz F. N., Hacıoğlu M., \"2. Effects of Quorum sensing molecules Combinations with Antimicrobial Agents on Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Single and Dual-species Biofilms co-culture on bronchial epithelial cells\", 5th International 34rd National Turkish Biophysics Congress, İzmir, Türkiye, 6 - 09 Eylül 2023, ss.8
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