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    (2023-04-27) Guder S.; Güder H.; GUDER, SEMİH
    GİRİŞSecukinumab ve ixekizumab interlökin (IL) -17A\"yı seçici olarak nötralize eden monoklonal antikorlardır. (1) Bell paralizisinin etiyolojisi bilinmemektedir, gizli bir virüsün otoimmün reaksiyonu tetikleyebileceği ve fasiyal sinirde demiyelinizasyona neden olabileceği öne sürülmüştür. (2) IL-17 inhibisyonu ile inflamatuar bağırsak hastalığı (IBD) gelişim mekanizması belirsizdir. (3) Secukinumab tedavisinden sonra gelişen bir fasiyal paralizi ve ixekizumab tedavisinden sonra yeni başlayan bir ülseratif kolit olgusu sunuyoruz.OLGU 110 yıldır kronik plak psoriazisi olan secukinumab tedavisi alan 31 yaş erkek hastada 5 haftalık indüksiyon aşamasını tamamladıktan birkaç gün sonra, dilde ve başının arkasında uyuşma gelişti. Secukinumab tedavisi sonlandırıldı. Hastanın bilateral karotis ve vertebral renkli doppler ultrason muayenesi normaldi. İki gün sonra yüzün sol tarafında uyuşma ile başvurdu ve muayene sırasında sol tarafta azalmış yüz hareketleri tespit edildi. Elektromiyografide, sol fasiyal sinirin amplitüdü sağdan %22 daha düşüktü. Hastanın diğer nörolojik muayenesi normaldi. Diğer infeksiyöz ve otoimmün hastalıklar tespit edilmedi ve hastanın başka bir sistemik hastalığı yoktu. Şikayetleri üç hafta içinde metilprednizolon tedavisi ile geriledi. İki aylık takipte nüks gözlenmedi.OLGU 25 yıl boyunca kronik plak tip ve şiddetli tırnak psoriazisi olan ve ixekizumab tedavisi alan 27 yaşında bir erkek hastada tedavinin 28. haftasından itibaren tekrarlayan karın ağrısı ve kanlı ishal atakları gelişti. Kolonoskopi ve intestinal biyopsinin histopatolojik bulguları ülseratif kolit ile uyumluydu. Ixekizumab tedavisi sonlandırıldı. Kolit atakları metilprednizolon, azatiyoprin ve mesalazin tedavisi ile kontrol edildi. 8 aydır psoriazis için tedavi almayan hastanın psoriatik lezyonları ve tırnak bulguları yeniden ortaya çıktı ve hasta için anti-IL23 biyolojik tedavi planlanıyor. Hastalardan yayın izni için bilgilendirilmiş onam alındı.TARTIŞMAPsoriazis ve psoriatik artrit için secukinumab kullanan 306 hastanın çalışmasında, tek bir fasiyal paralizi olgusu bildirilmiştir. (1) Şimdiye kadar, ixekizumab tedavisinden sonra 3 IBD geliştiği bildirilen 5 vaka raporu ve secukinumab ile tedaviden sonra IBD geliştiren 3 vaka serisi olmuştur. (4) Anti-IL-17 ajanlarına başlamadan önce, hastalardan IBD açısından ayrıntılı bir kişisel ve aile öyküsü alınlamalıdır. Hastalar bu ilişki hakkında bilgilendirilmeli ve gastrointestinal semptomlarını izlemeleri istenmelidir.Anahtar Kelimeler: psoriazis, biyolojikler, anti IL17A, fasiyal paralizi, ülseratif kolit
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The course of COVID-19 infection and prolonged sneezing and nasal congestion in a patient using ixekizumab
    (2021-02-17T00:00:00Z) Güder, SEMİH; Güder, Hüsna; GUDER, SEMİH
  • PublicationMetadata only
    Comparison of Laboratory Parameters During Herpes Zoster Infection: A Case-Control Study
    (2023-03-01) Güder H.; Demir Ş.; Guder S.; GUDER, SEMİH
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    Skin findings of dialysis patients with chronic renal failure in Afyonkarahisar and surrounding area
    (2012-12-01T00:00:00Z) Guder, SEMİH; Karaca, Semsettin; Kulac, Mustafa; Yuksel, Seref; Guder, Husna; GUDER, SEMİH
    Background and Design: To evaluate the prevalence of skin changes in patient with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis.
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    The state of occupational dermatoses in Turkey
    (2018-01-01T00:00:00Z) MELİKOĞLU, Mehmet; Guder, SEMİH; Topal, Ilteris Oguz; GUDER, SEMİH
    Due to the difficulties in diagnosing occupational diseases and deficiencies in statistical data, occupational diseases are underreported in Turkey. The average number of records in our country is around 10, when at least 100.000 new occupational skin diseases need to be diagnosed annually. This is due to the shortcomings in the diagnosis and notification of the occupational diseases in our country. In this article, we analyzed occupational skin diseases and their International Classification of Diseases codes, and how they are diagnosed medically and legally, and the difficulties in diagnosing these diseases. The article emphasizes that the dermatologists should be trained in occupational diseases and occupational health codes in order to improve diagnosing and reporting occupational diseases.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Facial dermatoses in patients with blepharitis: A cross-sectional prospective analysis
    (2022-07-01T00:00:00Z) Guder, Semih; Çulfa, Şafak; GUDER, SEMİH; ÇULFA, ŞAFAK
    Introduction: The relationship between facial dermatoses and blepharitis has been known for a long time. Objectives: We aimed to investigate the frequency of accompanying facial dermatoses in patients with blepharitis and their relationship with the severity of blepharitis. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 95 patients with blepharitis were examined for attending facial dermatoses. The type of blepharitis, the severity of blepharitis, and the degree of dry eye were determined in the patients. Dermoscopic and microscopic examinations were used in the diagnosis of facial dermatoses. The history of allergic rhinitis was questioned because Demodex species frequently accompany blepharitis, facial dermatoses, and allergic rhinitis patients. Mann-Whitney U test was used compare 2 independent groups. In comparing categorical variables, Pearson chi-Squared, Fishere Exact, and Fisher-Freeman-Holton tests were used. Results: At least 1 facial dermatosis was detected in 84.2% patients, and we did not see any facial dermatosis in 15.8% ones. No patients had acne, which is one of the most common facial dermatoses. The most common facial dermatosis detected in our patients was facial demodicosis (57.9%). It was followed by seborrheic dermatitis (22.1%) and rosacea (12.6%), respectively. In addition, 2.1% of the patients had atopic eyelid dermatitis, 23.2% had a history of allergic rhinitis, and 63.2% had ocular demodicosis. Conclusions: It is essential to perform dermatological examinations of all patients with blepharitis in terms of accompanying facial dermatoses and their early diagnosis.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    "Mole removal" on Instagram Hashtags: A Cross-sectional Analysis: Nevus Treatment Methods on Instagram
    (2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) Guder, Semih; Güder, Hüsna; GUDER, SEMİH
    Introduction: With the increase in the use of social media, there is a steady increase in demand for medical, surgical, and cosmetic procedures. Dermatologists and other physicians are leaving their cosmetic practice to non-physician service providers to keep up with the growing demand for cosmetic procedures. Objectives: To examine the gender, professions, and the method of nevi treatment of the profiles using #bensilme and #moleremoval hashtags on Instagram and to investigate the extent of cosmetic procedures comparing Turkey's situation with other countries. Methods: In Instagram, the most frequently used hashtags about nevus treatment were scanned by two dermatologists. We recorded profession, gender, country of origin, and the treatment method of nevi of profiles sharing the related posts. Results: The countries with the highest share of the #moleremoval hashtag were the United Kingdom (15%), India (12%), and the United States of America (10.5%), and the proportion of physicians in these countries was 16.7%, 100%, and 71.4%, respectively. In the non-physician group, plasma pen method in our country is the most used method (Turkey: 97.9%, world: 75% respectively), but the use of radiofrequency cautery (world: 12.5%, Turkey: 1% respectively) and cryo pen (world: 7.5%, Turkey: 0.0%) methods were significantly more abroad. Conclusions: We demonstrated that non-physicians mostly perform nevus destruction procedures. Physicians must use social media more actively to share educational, quality, and accurate information. We suggest that the hashtags used by physicians in their social media posts should be chosen from the words used in the folk language.
  • PublicationMetadata only
    Psoriasis Treatment on YouTube: A Cross-Sectional Study
    (2023-07-01) Güder H.; Guder S.; GUDER, SEMİH