12 - Sorumlu Üretim ve Tüketim

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SORUMLU ÜRETİM VE TÜKETİM Sürdürülebilir üretim ve tüketim kalıplarını sağlamak: Ekonomik büyüme ve sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı başarmak için, malları ve kaynakları üretme ve tüketme biçimlerimizi değiştirmek suretiyle ekolojik ayak izimizi derhal azaltmamız gerekiyor. Dünya genelinde en büyük su tüketicisi tarımdır ve tarımsal sulama, insanların kullandığı tüm taze suyun yaklaşık %70’ini buluyor.

Publication Search Results

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    Indirect Effect Of A Dentistry And Medical School Hospital Before And After Covid-19 On The Environment
    (2021-03-20T00:00:00Z) Ekinci, Esma; Armagan, Sara; KILIÇ, BANU
    Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’ne göre küresel ısınma tüm dünyada insanların karşılaştığı ciddi sorunlardan biridir.(WHO 2011) Gelecek nesiller için dünyanın uzun bir süre daha var olması önem taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla bir diş hekimi olarak çevre dostu bir yöntem kullanarak doğanın ko runmasına yönelik katkı sağlamak bizim sorumluluğumuzdur. Küresel ısınmanın en önemli sebeplerinden biri de çevresel kirliliktir. Yapılan çeşitli araştırmalara göre, diş hekimliğinin çevreye etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Birleşik Krallık Ulusal Sağlık Sistemi (NHS)’ne göre karbon ayakizine en büyük katkıyı dental servislere yapılan giriş çıkışlar ve tedarik süreci oluşturmaktadır. Diş hekimliği klinikleri, diğer sağlık kuruluşlarına kıyasla daha az atık üretiyor olsa da, son on yılda dental atıklarda önemli bir artış gözlenmektedir. Çeşitli ülkelerde yapılan akademik araştırmalarda, Covid-19 sürecinden bağımsız olarak değerlendirilen kliniklerden esinlenerek Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği ve Tıp Fakültesi Hastanelerinde bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Covid-19 öncesi ve sonrası bir diş hekimliği ve tıp fakültesi hastanesinin kullandığı ve harcadığı materyallerin (2019-2020 yıllarının Haziran-Aralık ayları arasındaki dezen-fektan, sabun, kağıt, hasta sayısı, doğalgaz, elektrik ve geri dönüşüm atıkları) derlenmesiyle sağlık sektörünün karbon ayakizinin bu süreçte hangi yönlerde değişime uğradığını belirtmektedir. Matery-allerin belirlenen süreçlerdeki hem yıllık değişimi hem de hasta başına düşen birim değişimi dikkate alınmıştır. Sağlık sektöründeki bireyler olarak bu süreci nasıl değerlendirmiş olduğumuzu gösteren bu çalışma, gelecekte benzer pandemilerin yaşanması durumunda öngörülecek durumları ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktaları göz önüne sermiştir
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    Evaluation of Nursing Students- Medical Waste Knowledge Level
    (2021-09-01T00:00:00Z) Toluk, Özlem; Özdemir, Aysel; Şahin, İbrahim; Yıldız, Sinem; Erkul, Şeyma Nur; Ercan, İlker; TOLUK, ÖZLEM
    Aim: Failure to properly manage medical waste potentially exposes healthcare professionals, waste handlers, patients, and the general public to risks such as infection, toxic effects, injuries, and environmental pollution. The study was planned in a descriptive cross-sectional type and it was aimed to evaluate the medical waste knowledge levels of nursing students.Methods: The sample consisted of 100 nursing students studying in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades of a state university. The Kuder Richardson 20 coefficient was found to be 0.744 by collecting data based on the self-reports of the participants with the questionnaire created by the researchers in the study. The level of significance is taken α=0.05. Categorical variables were analyzed with the Chi-Square test, Fisher-s exact Chi-square test, and Fisher Freeman Halton test.Results: In our study, 70 (70.00%) people take a course on medical waste, 6 (6.00%) people work in any health institution. It was found that the rate at which medical waste bags should be filled and the evaluation of expired or unused drugs as pharmaceutical waste was statistically significant according to gender (p = 0.028, and p = 0.047).Conclusion: As nursing students take lectures or courses on medical waste, and their grade levels rise, their knowledge of medical waste increases. Based on the results of our study, increasing medical waste education is of great importance in terms of public health, personnel health, and environmental health.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Medical Education in Epidemic and Disaster Situations
    (2020-11-01T00:00:00Z) Özçelik, Semra; Küçük, Özlem Su; Çakır, Erkan; Kazancıoğlu, Rümeyza; ÖZÇELİK, SEMRA; SU KÜÇÜK, ÖZLEM; ÇAKIR, ERKAN; KAZANCIOĞLU, RÜMEYZA
    There is no standard practice for the sustainability of medical education in epidemics such as Covid-19 and disasters affecting society. Synchronous or asynchronous trainings have been carried out in some of universities and colleges that have distance education technical infrastructure, during the Covid-19 pandemic. If every student has access to information technologies and the skills of the instructors who will prepare and deliver the training increase their ability to use information technologies, there is no problem in the implementation and maintenance of theoretical lessons. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to go to distance education, which we had not yet implemented at Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine. During this period, we applied asynchronous and synchronous education models (mixed model) for theoretical lessons. However, the fact that practical and internship applications were carried out by distance education - although videos about skills and practices were shot and uploaded to the system - it was not possible to replace the formal education. Distance education is inevitable for the continuity of education in epidemic and disaster situations. However, after the epidemic and disaster situations have passed, practical and internship practices should be carried out as much as possible in addition to distance education in medical education. In normal times, distance education can only be used to support formal education in medical education. As a result of all these evaluations and experiences we gained in the Covid 19 pandemic, we think that synchronous/synchronous distance education applications will improve over time and contribute to medical education.
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    Ramadan Fasting Increases Socialization in Patients Who Underwent Sleeve Gastrectomy: An Observational Study
    (2021-02-01T00:00:00Z) Daldal, E.; Dagmura, H.; Dasiran, F.; Okan, I.; DAGMURA, HASAN; BÜLBÜLOĞLU, ERTAN
    Purpose The prevalence of obesity is increasing along with the number of sleeve gastrectomies. Patients- mental health and social life, along with their physical health, should be considered. Their cultural and religious values are an important part of treatment. Fasting is an important act of worship in all religions. Ramadan fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of Ramadan fasting on quality of life in patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy. Materials and Methods Data regarding the demographic characteristics, weight, the time elapsed after surgery, and the amount of liquid and solid food consumed during fasting were collected with two surveys, one of which was carried out at the beginning and the other at the end of Ramadan. In addition, the SF-36 health survey questionnaire was administered to evaluate the impact of Ramadan fasting on patients- quality of life. Results Fifty-one people participated in the first survey, but the second survey included 19 of them. While the median weight of the patients was 86.52 +/- 17.78 kg before fasting, the median weight after 25 days of fasting was 83.31 +/- 17.06 kg. A significant decrease was observed in weight after 25 days of fasting (p < 0.001). A comparison of the SF-36 scores for quality of life revealed a significant increase in the social functioning (p = 0.032). Conclusion Ramadan fasting caused significant weight loss in patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy. Besides, it did not adversely affect the quality of life, but rather increased social functioning.
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    From Social Sustainability to Social Entrepreneurship: A Path for Social Value Creation
    (IGI Global, 2022-12-01) Toker K.; TOKER, KEREM
    Despite the discussion of social sustainability, which has been a crucial component of sustainable development for decades, unfortunately, the desired successful outcomes have not been realized in practice. This failure caused the need to examine the concept of social sustainability differently than ever before. Social entrepreneurship is a valuable tool to meet this need. Concordantly, this chapter purposes to evaluate the relations between social sustainability and social entrepreneurship by comprehensively analyzing them. Discussing this relationship and proposing a new perspective will support overcome theoretical dilemmas and practical struggles. Therefore, the concept of sustainability was explained in detail through a wide literature review, and then the concept of social entrepreneurship was examined, and links, similarities, and gaps were revealed between the two concepts. As a result, the effective implementation of social sustainability policies depends on the social impact and value created by social entrepreneurship.
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    İklim Destekli Beslenmede Bitki Bazlı Diyetler ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri
    (2022-09-01T00:00:00Z) Kıyak, Büşra; Güneş Bayır, Ayşe; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE
    Her gün daha derinden etkilenilen küresel iklim krizi, sonuçlarıyla ekosistemleri ve insan hayatını tesiri altına alarak dünya genelinde büyük bir sorun haline gelmiştir. İklim krizinin en somut başlangıcı sanayi devrimi olarak görülürken nüfus artışına eşlik eden makineleşme bu soruna üstel olarak katkıda bulunur. Sektörler arası bir sorun olan iklim krizinde en büyük paylardan birine de gıda sistemi sahiptir. Olumsuz çevresel etkileri olan gıda sistemi, özellikle sera gazları emisyonu (GHGE), su gereksinimi ve arazı kullanımı açısından dünyadaki en önemli sektörlerden biridir. Diyetleri destekleyen besin zincirleri, çevresel sorunlarla bağlantılıdır. Artan dünya nüfusuna yeterli ve dengeli bir beslenme düzeni sağlanırken çevrenin yük kapasitesini aşmamak için diyetlerin çevresel zararını göz önünde bulundurmak zorunlu bir gereksinimdir. Diyet ve tüketim alanındaki gelişmeler, örneğin et, yumurta, süt gibi hayvansal ürünlerin sebze ağırlıklı beslenmeye göre daha çok tercih edilmesi karbon salınımını kat be kat arttırır. Protein alımının, üretimi ve işlenişi sonucu metan gazı (CH4) emisyonuna sebep olan hayvancılık sektörü yerine kuru baklagil ve tahıllardan karşılanması halinde sera gazı emisyonunda ortalama 5 milyar tonluk gibi büyük bir fark yaratır. Gıda tüketimi ve sürdürülebilirlikleri değerlendirilerek alternatif bitki bazlı diyet kalıpları oluşturulmuştur. Bitki bazlı diyet kalıpları; vücudu optimize eden biyoaktif bileşen, makro ve mikro besin içeriğinden dolayı olumlu sağlık etkileriyle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Daha önce yapılan çalışmalar bitki bazlı diyetlerin glisemik kontrol, kan lipid seviyesi kontrolü, diyabet, hipertansiyon, bazı kanser türleri, crohn hastalığı ve kalp hastalıkları gibi sağlık sorunları için etkili bir ilaçsız tedavi şekli olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu derleme makalede insan ayak izi ve diyet seçimleri arasındaki ilişki ele alınarak, bitki bazlı diyetlerin çevre sağlığının yan sıra insan sağlığına da olumlu yöndeki etkileri incelenmiştir.
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    Akıllı Depolama Sistemleri
    (Paradigma Yayınları, 2022-11-01) Toker K.; Görener A.; TOKER, KEREM
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    Determination of fingerprints contents of different extracts and parts of six endemic Salvia taxa by GC-MS: Source species for valuable compounds with drug or drug potential
    (2021-11-01T00:00:00Z) Akdeniz, Mehmet; Yener, Ismail; DİNCEL, DEMET; Fırat, Mehmet; Degirmenci, Dilek Karatas; ERTAŞ, ABDULSELAM; DİNCEL, DEMET
    Public use of Salvia species and their importance in the scientific world is continually increasing. It is known that this use and the importance of Salvia species are mostly due to the terpenoid compounds that they contain. In this context, the terpenoid-steroid-flavonoid contents of extracts of six endemic Salvia (S. kurdica, S. pseudeuphratica, S. rosifolia, S. siirtica, S. cerino-pruinosa var. cerino-pruinosa and S. cerino-pruinosa var. elazigensis) species prepared with different solvents were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Within the framework of the ingredient analysis, content analysis of the ethanol extracts of the root, branch, leaf and flower parts of the species collected in the same period between 2015 and 2017 years was performed. In general, extracts prepared with chloroform and ethanol were found to contain a wide variety of compounds while petroleum ether extracts were found to contain much less varied compounds. In addition, in general, root extracts are richer in terpenoid compounds than aerial part extracts. Some species can be used as source species in terms of ferruginol, cryptanol, 6,7-dehydroroyleanone, lup-(20)29-ene-2 alpha-hydroxy-3 beta-acetate, salvigenin and beta-sitosterol contents (52,114.28, 75,979.08, 101,247.41, 40,071.29, 33,952.13 and 34,010.90 mu g analyte/g extract, respectively).