09 - Sanayi, Yenilikçilik ve Altyapı

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Sanayi, Yenilikçilik ve Altyapı Dayanıklı altyapılar tesis etmek, kapsayıcı ve sürdürülebilir sanayileşmeyi desteklemek ve yenilikçiliği güçlendirmek

Publication Search Results

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    How to overcome barriers to publication in low- and middle-income countries: Recommendations from early career psychiatrists and researchers from around the world
    (2021-12-01T00:00:00Z) El Halabi, Sarah; Abbas, Zargham; Adesokun, Fisayo; Adiukwu, Frances; Ashrafi, Agah; de Filippis, Renato; Handuleh, Jibril; Jaguga, Florence; Karaliuniene, Ruta; KILIÇ, ÖZGE; Nagendrappa, Sachin; Ojeahere, Margaret; Ogunnubi, Oluseun Peter; Ori, Dorottya; Orsolini, Laura; Pereira-Sanchez, Victor; Pinto da Costa, Mariana; Ransing, Ramdas; Shoib, Sheikh; Ullah, Irfan; Vadivel, Ramya; Vahdani, Bita; Ramalho, Rodrigo; KILIÇ, ÖZGE
    There is an increasing movement toward international collaboration and global discussion in mental health. If provided with the right opportunities, early career psychiatrists (ECPs) and researchers in mental health can contribute meaningfully to this discussion. However, they often experience multiple barriers when attempting to add their voices via academic publications. We represent a diverse group of ECPs and researchers from all six World Health Organization regions. In this piece, we discuss these barriers, grounded in our first-hand experiences, and put forth a series of recommendations. The most potentially beneficial and immediate way forward is ensuring a much-needed mentorship and support, particularly for low- and middle-income countries. In this regard, international organizations, especially those with a particular focus on education, such as the Section on Education in Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric Association, can play a pivotal role.
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    Nutritional Assessment and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy
    (2019-06-01T00:00:00Z) Güneş Bayır, Ayşe; Güney, Merve; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE
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    A Catalyst for Social Economy: Society 5.0
    (Istanbul University Publication, 2023-02-01) Toker K.; TOKER, KEREM
    As our planet moves towards the middle of the 21st century, it faces a dizzying digital transformation process. This transformation brings along with it unique and innovative solutions to numerous social, organizational, and managerial issues. The most tangible of these solutions so far is the vision of Society 5.0 announced by the Japanese government in 2016. Within this scope, the purpose of this chapter is to develop conceptual insight into the reasons for the emergence, components, and goals of Society 5.0. Up-to-date research and current reports on the topic have been examined in this context, and a conceptual framework is formed. The findings show that many digital tools of Society 5.0 are already used in economies, but policymakers discuss these tools’ human-centered reuse. As a result, a positive futuristic perspective has been drawn that humanity will continue its life on a more habitable planet for decades to come and unite digital and physical space. Keywords: Society 5.0, Social Economy, Digital Transformation
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    İntörnlerin Halk Sağlığı Stajı Geri bildirimlerinin Değerlendirme Raporu
    (2019-11-30T00:00:00Z) Özyıldırım, Bedia; TÜRKOĞLU, SEZANUR NAZLI
    Giriş ve Amaç: Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerimiz son sınıfta 1 ay halk sağlığı stajı yapmaktadır. Staj özelinde hekim adaylarının mezuniyet sonrası atanacakları kurumları gözlemlemelerini ve mesleklerini icra ederken toplum sağlığı bakış açısıyla çalışma becerisi kazanmalarını hedeflemekteyiz. Raporun amacıysa; öğrencilerden aldığımız geri bildirimlerle bu hedefi ne kadar gerçekleştirebildiğimizi tespit etmek, stajın eksik yanlarını gidermek, dönemin ihtiyaçlarına göre niteliğini yükseltmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Staj; halk sağlığı ve güncel sağlık konularıyla ilgili tartışmaların yer aldığı kuramsal eğitimleri, İlçe Sağlık Müdürlükleri ile İl Halk Sağlığı Hizmetleri Başkanlığında yürütülen saha eğitimlerini ve halk sağlığı hizmetlerini yürüten büyükşehir belediye kurumlarını kapsamaktadır. 2018-2019 eğitim-öğretim dönemi son sınıf öğrencilerine staja katılımdan ve saha eğitimlerine dair hazırladıkları rapordan not verilmiştir. Programı tamamlayan 127 öğrenciden 95 (%74,8)-ine eğitimi değerlendirmeleri için anket uygulanmıştır. Anket; programın likert skalası ve açık uçlu sorularla değerlendirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Rapor formatında hazırlandığı için tanımlayıcı istatistik yöntemler kullanılmış, etik kurul onayı alınmamıştır. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %47,4 (n=45)’ü erkektir. 4’lü sisteme göre genel akademik not ortalaması 2,5 ve üzerinde olan 75 öğrenci (%79) vardır. Stajın bütünü olarak değerlendirdiklerinde 10 üzerinden 6,35±2,47 puan verilmiştir. Geri bildirimlerde staj sorumlusunun öğrencilere eşit davranması, saygılı, hoşgörülü olması ve sorumluya ulaşabilmek maddelerine en yüksek puanlar verilirken, -stajın amaçları kapsamında ekip çalışması ve yöneticilik/liderlik becerisi kazandırması- maddesine en düşük puan verilmiştir. Öğrencilerce en verimli kuramsal dersler sağlık hukuku ve aşı tereddütüdür. Derslerin yöntemsel olarak anadilde anlatılmasını ve interaktifliğinin artırılmasını, içerik olarak da istatistik ve yeni sağlık sistemi konularının eklenmesini önermişlerdir. İlçe sağlık müdürlüğü ve halk sağlığı hizmetleri başkanlığı birimleri, bu kurumlara atanan pratisyen hekimlerin çalışma alanlarını henüz öğrenciyken birebir görebildikleri için faydalı bulunmuştur. İletişim eksiklikleri ve -spesifik bir iş tanımı olmaması nedeniyle- öğrencilerin sadece gözlemleyici konumunda olmaları ise sahanın verimsiz yanları olarak belirtilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra hekimlikle ilgili olmayan detay bilgiler, ulaşım sorunu gibi teknik sorunlar da stajın verimliliğine dair olumsuz görüşlere neden olmuştur. Belediye ziyaretleri daha odaklı olmaları, genel kültür ve farkındalık sağlamaları açısından hekim adaylarına toplumsal perspektif kazandırmıştır. Bu amaca eriştiklerini fark eden öğrenciler olumlu geri bildirimlerinin gerekçelerini -Yapılan bütün geziler çok verimliydi. Gittiğimiz merkezlerin varlığından bile haberdar değilken ihtiyacı olanı yönlendirebileceğimiz bir sürü merkezin olduğunu öğrendik.- gibi ifadelerle belirtmişlerdir. Olumsuz görüşler, fiziki şartlardan ve içeriklerin bazen çok sığ, bazen de çok detaylı olmasından kaynaklanmıştır. Sonuç ve Öneriler: Öğrenciler, genel olarak amaç odaklı, toplum sağlığı perspektifli, pratisyen hekimlik iş ortamının gözlemine imkan veren, optimum içerikli ve zaman planlaması iyi olan bir eğitimin daha verimli olacağını düşünmektedirler.
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    From Social Sustainability to Social Entrepreneurship: A Path for Social Value Creation
    (IGI Global, 2022-12-01) Toker K.; TOKER, KEREM
    Despite the discussion of social sustainability, which has been a crucial component of sustainable development for decades, unfortunately, the desired successful outcomes have not been realized in practice. This failure caused the need to examine the concept of social sustainability differently than ever before. Social entrepreneurship is a valuable tool to meet this need. Concordantly, this chapter purposes to evaluate the relations between social sustainability and social entrepreneurship by comprehensively analyzing them. Discussing this relationship and proposing a new perspective will support overcome theoretical dilemmas and practical struggles. Therefore, the concept of sustainability was explained in detail through a wide literature review, and then the concept of social entrepreneurship was examined, and links, similarities, and gaps were revealed between the two concepts. As a result, the effective implementation of social sustainability policies depends on the social impact and value created by social entrepreneurship.
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    Developing critical thinking inSTEMeducation through inquiry-based writing in the laboratory classroom
    (2021-01-01T00:00:00Z) Jeon, Ah-Jung; Kellogg, David; Khan, MOHAMMAD ASİF; Tucker-Kellogg, Greg; KHAN, MOHAMMAD ASİF
    Laboratory pedagogy is moving away from step-by-step instructions and toward inquiry-based learning, but only now developing methods for integrating inquiry-based writing (IBW) practices into the laboratory course. Based on an earlier proposal (Science 2011;332:919), we designed and implemented an IBW sequence in a university bioinformatics course. We automatically generated unique, double-blinded, biologically plausible DNA sequences for each student. After guided instruction, students investigated sequences independently and responded through IBW writing assignments. IBW assignments were structured as condensed versions of a scientific research article, and because the sequences were double blinded, they were also assessed as authentic science and evaluated on clarity and persuasiveness. We piloted the approach in a seven-day workshop (35 students) at Perdana University in Malaysia. We observed dramatically improved student engagement and indirect evidence of improved learning outcomes over a similar workshop without IBW. Based on student feedback, initial discomfort with the writing component abated in favor of an overall positive response and increasing comfort with the high demands of student writing. Similarly, encouraging results were found in a semester length undergraduate module at the National University of Singapore (155 students).
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    Metallic nanoparticles as X-Ray computed tomography (CT) contrast agents: A review
    (2020-11-01T00:00:00Z) ASLAN, NAİM; Ceylan, Burhan; KOÇ, MÜMİN MEHMET; Findik, Fehim
    X-ray computed tomography vastly used in both medical purposes and in the research of biological and non-biological materials/samples. Some of the medical applications performed in the clinics requires special protocols where contrast agents may be needed to enhance the contrast. Iodine based contrast agents are commonly used in such applications. Iodine based contrast agents were found hazardous to the environment and some patients has iodine in tolerance due to thyroid origin diseases. Scientists from different fields try to develop contrast agents which can be an alternative to iodine based contrast agents. Metallic nanoparticles have potential to be used as CT contrast agent since metals has high X-ray attenuation and high density. Metal nanoparticles considered as toxic to the living organisms. Covering nanoparticles with organic molecule often reduce toxicity and enhance the biocompatibility. Decoration of nanoparticles with function groups give them targeting properties where special organ and/or tissue can be targeted. Up to now, different studies illustrated the importance of the multipurpose properties of the metallic nanoparticles. In this report, we assessed the metal nanoparticles reported as X-ray computed tomography contrast agent. For the first time in the literature we listed in vivo contrast enhancement, targeted drug delivery and dual/multipurpose imaging properties of each metallic nanoparticles. Therapeutic effects of metallic nanoparticles such as photothermal therapy and magnetic hyperthermia were also addressed. A chart showing relative contrast enhancement properties of the nanoparticles were produced. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    The impact of displacement on the social, economic and health situation on a sample of internally displaced families in Anbar Province, Iraq
    (2019-05-01T00:00:00Z) Al -Ezzi, Saad Ahmed Ali; AL-EZZI, SAAD AHMED ALİ
    Background: Internally displaced people (IDPs) in Iraq are still suffering because the solutions were not radical. This study aims to assess the impact of displacement on the socio-economic, wellbeing and mental health status of internally displaced (ID) families in Anbar province, Iraq. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from 3rd to 17th April 2017. Data was collected using a universal sampling technique. A total of 355 heads of households interviewed with a modified questionnaire consisting of 26 close-ended questions related to the socio-economic, demographic, wellbeing and the mental health characteristics. Results: At the time of the study, about 55.5% of the surveyed displaced families have not returned home yet. Prominent families of more than seven members (59.4%) and residency in renting houses (82.8%) are two variables that may contribute to an economic burden. Mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression spread among 62.3% of surveyed families. Significant rise in chronic diseases from 64 (18.0%) cases before displacement to 102 cases (28.7%) after displacement. Few of them (21.6%) were able to access public health services. People who experienced violence had verbally abused at 52.1%. Lack of the services (50.3%), the inability to repair the destroyed houses (26.4%) and the loss of house due to destruction (23.3%) were the significant factors inhibited families from returning home back Conclusion: Our findings indicate the need for urgent and strategic plans to improve the quality of logistics, health and infrastructure services to motivate the displaced families to return to their homes.