Lise öğrencilerinde fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ve vücut kitle indeksi'nin postür ve ağrı üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi

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Mertekçi, Tuba

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Bezmialem Vakıf University

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The purpose of our study was assessment of the effects of physical activity level and body mass index (BMI) on posture and pain in high school students. 99 high school students from 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade, 45 females and 54 males, a mean age of 15,88 ± 0,80 years attending in Habipler Anatolian High School participated in our study. Demographic information of students was recorded. International Physical Activity Questionnaire was used to assess the physical activity level, McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) was used to assess the pain. In the assessment of posture, the questionnaire was used to prepared from the general posture analysis.For statistical analysis, a Windows-based SPSS 21 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) analysis program was used. The BMI of male students participated in this study was greater than the BMI of female students (p=0,014). 51,5% of the students were doing regularly sports. According to the IPAQ survey results, 14,1% of the students are inactive group. There was a significant relationship between BMI and IPAQ scores of the students (p = 0,04). 60,6% of the students indicated that there was pain in any part of the body. Low back pain and shoulder pain was the most frequent complaints of the students. Female students reported low back pain (%26,7), male students reported shoulder pain (%16,7) the most frequent. At the same time, the pain intensity score of girls at school was higher than male students female students. When classified according to physical activity level, it was found that the group with minimal activity had higher pain intensity score and more pain of waist and shoulder pain.There was not a significant relationship between physical activity level and pain scores. There was a significant relationship betweenBMI, pain intensity score(p=0,033) and minimum pain intensity score (p=0,027) scores but there was not a significant relationship between maximum pain intensityscore. When we examined postural changes, kyphosis and anterior tilt of the head in male students, anterior pelvic tilt and hyperlordosis in female students were more frequent. Pain zones that students complain about may be correlated with postural changes.There was a significant correlation between physical activity level and head right tilt and left tilt (p <0,001), the shoulders rolled forward development (p = 0,042) and scoliosis (p = 0,031). There was a significant correlation between BMI and anterior tilt of the head. In our study, it was found that posture and pain scores were not affected by physical activity level and BMI, and that there was more shoulder and back pain in students with minimal physical activity level. Increased use of technological tools, such as irregular feeding habits in adolescents leads to increased BMI and postural disorders. With the increase of BMI, the level of physical activity of the students decreases.As a result various health problems occurs such as obesity. According to the results of our study increasing the level of physical activity during the adolescence supports the development of the musculoskeletal system and may prevent the formation of pains. It is important to provide regular nutrition and physical activity habits during adolescence to protect against chronic diseases (such as obesity) that may occur during adulthood. Keywords: Adolescent, physical activity, posture


Thesis (Master)--Bezmialem Vakıf University, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Istanbul, 2017


Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon = Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Ağrı = Pain, Duruş = Posture, Ergenler = Adolescents, Fiziksel aktivite = Physical activity, Lise öğrencileri = High schools students, Vücut kitle indeksi = Body mass index, Öğrenciler = Students


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