Effect of DigitalCombined Decongestive Therapy in Patients with Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Afollow-up study

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Kostanoğlu A.
Otsay S.
Törpü G. C.

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Objectives: This study present the feasibility of digital combined decongestive therapy in breast cancer-related lymphedema. At the same time, our study aims to reveal the short and long-term effects of digital combined decongestive therapy.Background: Breast cancer patients are at high risk for the development of breast cancer-related lymphedema due to axillary lymph node dissection and radiotherapy. Breast cancer-related lymphedema may occur immediately after treatment or may occur years later. Breast cancer-related lymphedema treatment involves intensive combined decongestive therapy followed by long-term maintenance. Digital implementation of combined decongestive therapy is a method that aims to demonstrate its potential to provide a cost-effective, safe and at the same time measurable tool for breast cancer-related lymphedema patients.Methods: The study population consisted of breast cancer patients who were admitted to the outpatient clinic due to upper extremity lymphedema. The circumferences of the extremities were measured by a trained physiotherapist, by marking reference points at 4-cm intervals from the ulnar styloid to the axillary region, using a standard tape measure. In first face-to-face session, patients received a basic introduction to skin care and risk reduction training. In this session, self-bandaging technique and self-manual lymphatic drainage technique was demonstrated while the caregiver videotaped it. At the same time, decongestive and breathing exercises were taught to the patient and caregiver. After the first face-to-face session, treatment was supervised with the help of electronic information and telecommunication technologies for 4 weeks. Following the intensive treatment phase, maintenance therapy commenced, which included the implementation of compression stockings. Breast cancer-related lymphedema patients were re-evaluated for follow-up after 12 weeks.Results: Total of 29 breast cancer-related lymphedema patients were included in the study (mean age=54.17±11.10 years). The mean pre-treatment extremity volume was 2998.06±930.61 mL. After digital combined decongestive therapy, the mean extremity volume was 2792.78±870.86 mL. There was a significant positive change in extremity volume in the patients after treatment (p<0.001). The mean extremity volume at follow-up was 2692.63±693.81 mL. There was also a significant positive change in the extremity volumes of the patients in the follow-up compared to the post-treatment (p<0.05).Conclusions: Our results revealed that digital combined decongestive therapy was effective in extremity volume reduction for breast cancer-related lymphedema. Following maintenance therapy, there was also a noticeable reduction in extremity volume. In conclusion, digital combined decongestive therapy was found to be a usable method for patients who cannot participate in face-to-face therapy due to financial or transportation reasons. Keywords: breast cancer-related lymphedema, combined decongestive therapy, caregiver, self-management



Sağlık Bilimleri, Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon, Health Sciences, Physical therapy and rehabilitation, Klinik Tıp (MED), Klinik Tıp, REHABİLİTASYON, Clinical Medicine (MED), CLINICAL MEDICINE, REHABILITATION, Fizik Tedavi, Spor Terapisi ve Rehabilitasyon, Kayropraktik, Rehabilitasyon, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Chiropractics, Rehabilitation


Kostanoğlu A., Otsay S., Törpü G. C., \"Effect of DigitalCombined Decongestive Therapy in Patients with Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Afollow-up study\", 47th Congress of European Society of Lymphology, İstanbul, Türkiye, 30 Mayıs - 02 Haziran 2024, ss.16
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