Baş ağrısıyla gelen çocuklarda demografik özellikler ve PEDMIDAS, MIDAS ölçeklerinin kullanımı / Demographic characteristics and use of PEDMIDAS, MIDAS scales in children with headache

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Kırmacı, Çiğdem
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Bezmialem Vakıf University
Pediatric headache is one of the most common causes of pediatric outpatient clinics. It is important to recognize the classification and treatment of headache by the physician because of the high incidence, high quality of life and high economic burden. The World Health Organization has realized this situation and has initiated a global campaign to reduce the headache burden in the world. Considering the negative effects of headache on the social and school life of children, detailed history should be taken, differential diagnosis should be made and appropriate treatment should be determined in order to reach the correct diagnosis. The headache classification in adults was made in accordance with the diagnostic criteria published by the International Headache Society (IHS) in 2005. These criteria, which were not suitable for pediatric patients, have been adapted to children and adolescents in later years. Headaches affect daily activity and may impair the work or school performance of the patients and cause decrease in quality of life, family and social activities. This situation was evaluated by the WHO as disability. Various scales have been developed to measure the quality of life and disability related to headache in order to plan the treatment and evaluate the response to treatment. One of the most commonly used scales to measure disability in adult migraine patients is the Migraine Disability Assesment Scale (MIDAS). The MIDAS scale was adapted to the children and the PedMIDAS scale was prepared. In our retrospective and prospective study; we aimed to determine the demographic characteristics of the children with headache, the frequency of headaches and the type of IHS according to the criteria, by using the MIDAS and PedMIDAS scales, we focused on planning the treatment and evaluating the response to treatment. The study include 680 children aged 6-18 years, who were admitted to Bezmiâlem Vakıf University Hospital general pediatrics, pediatric emergency and pediatric neurology outpatient clinics with a headache between August 2017 and January 2017. Demographic findings and headache characteristics of the patients were noted. Prospective study was started in December 2017. MIDAS and PedMIDAS scales were applied to these patients. PedMIDAS scale was reapplied to patients who were called for control in February 2018 and their responses to treatment were evaluated. Nearly fifty five percent of the patients were female and nearly 45% were male. The most common presentation with headache was the pediatric neurology outpatient clinic. The most common type of headache in all diagnoses was tension-type headache. Nearly thirty of the patients in the prospective study felt pain 2 or 3 times a month and 40% of the patients had pain for 1-4 hours. Suppressive, compressive character pain was the most common type of pain. The most common localization was in the frontal region. Stress was the most common triggering factor for pain. It was observed that 50% of the patients provided relaxation with sleep and rest. Forty-four point three percent primary headaches were diagnosed with 25.2% tension headache and 18.6% migraine. Forty-one point six percent of the patients were diagnosed with secondary headache. MIDAS and PedMIDAS scales were applied to the patients and no statistically significant difference was found between the stages. The response to treatment was observed as a result of the PedMIDAS scale applied to patients diagnosed with migraine. These results have demostrated that the PedMIDAS scale can be used in children and adolescents with headache. The importance of preventive medicine in pediatric medicine is well-known in the light of this, in addition to reducing the concerns of the family and the child, the ways of coping with pain should be explained to family and the child.
Thesis (Medical)--Bezmialem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child Health and Diseases, Istanbul, 2018
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları = Child Health and Diseases, Ağrı = Pain, Baş ağrısı = Headache, Demografi = Demography, Migren hastalıkları = Migraine disorders, Prospektif çalışmalar = Prospective studies, Retrospektif çalışmalar = Retrospective studies, Yaşam kalitesi = Quality of life, Çocuklar = Children, Ölçekler = Scales