[Rupture of the triceps brachii tendon: a case report].

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Esenyel, Cem Zeki
Oztürk, Kahraman
Ortak, Ozgür
Kara, Ayhan Nedim
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Triceps tendon rupture is a rare condition. A thirty-three year old man presented with a complaint of pain in his left elbow, which occurred when his motorcycle slid and flipped on one side. Physical examination two days after the accident showed swelling and ecchymosis in the elbow. There was a palpable, slightly tender defect in the triceps tendon just above the olecranon. He had normal supination and pronation. A marked weakness was noted in elbow extension as compared with the other side. A diagnosis of triceps tendon rupture was made. Radiographs revealed osteoarthrosis of the elbow joint and osteophyte formation on the top of the olecranon. Magnetic resonance scans showed a partial tear in the triceps tendon. It was repaired with large, nonabsorbable sutures passed through the holes drilled in the olecranon. The extremity was immobilized for three weeks, followed by progressive active flexion in a controlled-motion brace. Active strengthening of the triceps was begun after three months. At the end of a year, the range of motion of the elbow was full except 10 degrees loss of extension and there was no pain.
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