Deneysel spinal kord yaralanmasının patofizyolojisinde mikroRNA21'in rolü ve metilprednizolone tedavisinin patofizyolojiye ve mikroRNA21'e etkisi / The role of microRNA21 in the pathophysiology of experimental spinal cord injury and the effect of methylprednisolone treatment on pathophysiology and microRNA21

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Tekin, Abdurrahim
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Bezmialem Vakıf University
Spinal cord injury has become a serious health problem especially in young people with increasing population. In our study, six experimental groups (n = 6) were created in order to investigate the effect of miRNA21 expression on the 1st and 7th days after spinal cord injury and miRNA21 level of methylprednisolone treatment. Spinal trauma model was applied to all animal groups except the first and fourth groups by aneurysm clip method. Methylprednisolone was given to the treatment groups (third and sixth group) after SCI. After the treatment, the first three groups were reoperated in the first three groups on the 7th day and the spinal cord tissue in the laminectomy area was removed for real-time PCR. Levels of miRNA21 and astrogliosis, apoptosis and inflammation were measured with Real-Time PCR and GFAP, VIM, STAT3, FASLG, PTEN, BAX, BCL2, COX-2, IL6 levels were measured. After all; It was observed that miRNA21 level increased after trauma and methylpredinisolone treatment decreased miRNA21 level in early period. Methylprednisolone treatment did not have a significant effect on astrogliosis, apoptosis and inflammation parameters. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of miRNA21 in SCI. Keywords: Spinal cord injury, miRNA21, Methylprednisolone, real-time PCR
Thesis (Medical)--Bezmialem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery, Istanbul, 2019
Nöroşirürji = Neurosurgery, Metilprednizolon = Methylprednisolone, Mikro RNA = Micro RNA, Polimeraz zincirleme reaksiyonu = Polymerase chain reaction, Spinal kord yaralanmaları = Spinal cord injuries, Spinal yaralanmalar = Spinal injuries, Yaralar ve yaralanmalar = Wounds and injuries