Acute parkinsonism due to transdermal methanol intoxication: First report.

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Gozde, Baran
Ozlem, Gelisin
Gulsen, Yildiz Babacan

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<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Introduction</strong> &ndash; Methanol is a colorless and highly toxic liquid similar to ethanol in odor and taste. Methanol intake can lead to severe metabolic acidosis, loss of vision, permanent neurological damage, and death. <br><br><strong>Case report </strong>&ndash; We report a case of a 19-year-old female patient who had no known disease history. A large portion of her back was covered in spirits for back pain and kept on for 2 days. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the 5th day showed hyperintense pathologic signal changes in the T2 sequence without contrast enhancement in the bilateral frontal corticalsubcortical regions and basal ganglia. Following neurological examination of the patient, she was found to have bradymimia, marked resting tremor, bradykinesia, and dystonia on the right upper and lower extremities. Our case is important because it is the only case where parkinsonism developed as a result of acute transdermal methanol intoxication.</p>.
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Bevezet&eacute;s</strong> &ndash; A metanol színtelen &eacute;s erősen m&eacute;rgező folyad&eacute;k, ami szag&aacute;ban &eacute;s íz&eacute;ben az etanolhoz hasonl&oacute;. A metanol bevitele s&uacute;lyos metabolikus acid&oacute;zishoz, l&aacute;t&aacute;sveszt&eacute;shez, maradand&oacute; neurol&oacute;giai k&aacute;rosod&aacute;shoz &eacute;s hal&aacute;lhoz vezethet. <strong><br><br>Esetismertet&eacute;s</strong> &ndash; Egy 19 &eacute;ves nőbeteg eset&eacute;ről sz&aacute;molunk be, akinek anamn&eacute;zis&eacute;ben nem szerepelt semmilyen betegs&eacute;g. A h&aacute;t&aacute;nak nagy r&eacute;sz&eacute;t h&aacute;tf&aacute;j&aacute;s miatt alkohollal borított&aacute;k be, amit 2 napig rajtatartottak. A koponya m&aacute;gneses rezonanci&aacute;s k&eacute;palkot&aacute;sa (MRI) az 5. napon a T2 szekvenci&aacute;ban kontrasztfokoz&oacute;d&aacute;s n&eacute;lk&uuml;li hiperintenzív k&oacute;ros jelv&aacute;ltoz&aacute;st mutatott a k&eacute;toldali front&aacute;lis corticalis-subcorticalis r&eacute;gi&oacute;kban &eacute;s a baz&aacute;lis ganglionokban. A beteg neurol&oacute;giai vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;t k&ouml;vetően a jobb felső &eacute;s als&oacute; v&eacute;gtagokon bradymimia, kifejezett nyugalmi tremor, bradykinesia &eacute;s dystonia volt kimutathat&oacute;. Eset&uuml;nk az&eacute;rt fontos, mert ez az egyetlen olyan besz&aacute;mol&oacute;, ami akut transdermalis metanolm&eacute;rgez&eacute;s k&ouml;vetkezt&eacute;ben kialakult parkinsonizmust ismertet.</p>.



intoxication, methanol, parkinsonism, transdermal


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