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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Effect of Radiofrequency on DNA Damage and Oxidative Status in Patients with Turbinate Hypertrophy.
    (2019-11-01) Tugrul, S; Koçyiğit, A; Senturk, E; Doğan, Remzi; Eren, SB; Ozturan, ORHAN; Kesgin, S; ŞENTÜRK, EROL; TUĞRUL, SELAHATTİN; DOĞAN, REMZI; EREN, SABRİ BAKİ; ÖZTURAN, ORHAN; KOÇYİĞİT, ABDÜRRAHİM
    The radiofrequency devices that are used generate radiofrequency in the frequency range of 1.5 and 2.5 MHz. This study aims to demonstrate whether systematic oxidative status and DNA are influenced in this frequency range. In study, 27 patients who received radiofrequency treatment on inferior turbinate as they were diagnosed with inferior turbinate hypertrophy. DNA damage was assessed by alkaline comet assay in peripheral lymphocyte cells. Plasma levels of total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidative status (TOS) were determined by using an automated measurement method and oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated (OSI was calculated as: OSI = (TOS/TAS) × 100). There were increased in the OSI and TOS values on days 1 and 15 as compared to the samples taken before the radiofrequency administration. Significant decreases were seen in TAS values on days 1 and 15. As for the DNA damage, no significant differences were found on day 15 compared to the preoperative values even though there was a statistically insignificant increase on day 1. Administration of radiofrequency radiation on inferior turbinates results in increased oxidative stress in the acute period and a decrease in the anti-oxidative system. Although this effect causes a slight increase in the DNA damage in the early post-operative period, the damage is restored to the pre-operative levels on day 15. Therefore, we believe that a more conservative approach should be selected for radiofrequency treatment instead of using it routinely.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Factors influencing the longevity and replacement frequency of Provox voice prostheses.
    INTRODUCTION This study aimed to assess the factors that influence the longevity and replacement frequency of Provox voice prostheses following their placement. METHODS The medical records of 27 patients who received Provox voice prostheses after total laryngectomy and attended follow-up regularly between 1998 and 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. The success rate of the Provox voice prostheses (i.e. whether speech was achieved), quality of speech achieved, number and type of complications encountered, frequency of prostheses replacement and reasons for prostheses replacements were evaluated. RESULTS All 27 patients were men and their mean age was 63.0 (range 43–78) years. The mean follow-up period was 60.3 (range 1–168) months. Fluent and understandable speech was achieved in 85.0% of the patients. The mean duration before prosthesis replacement had to be performed was 17.1 (range 1–36) months. The most frequent complication was fluid leakage through the prosthesis. There was a strong positive correlation of 77.1% between the longevity of prostheses and postoperative follow-up duration (r = 0.771; p < 0.01). CONCLUSION The voice prosthesis is a tool that can be delivered in a practical fashion and replaced easily with no serious complications. It is a means by which speech can be restored, with a high success rate, after total laryngectomy. In the present study, we found that postoperative follow-up duration was the most important factor influencing the longevity of the Provox voice prosthesis.
  • PublicationMetadata only
    Monopolar elektrokoterin farklı güçlerde orta kulağa uygulanmasının iç kulağa etkisi
    (2022-11-20) Doğan R.; Çelik İ.; Başöz M.; Gedik Ö.; Yenigün A.; Eren S. B.; Şentürk E.; Özturan O.; DOĞAN, REMZI; ÇELİK, İSMAİL; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA; GEDİK, ÖZGE; YENİGÜN, ALPER; EREN, SABRİ BAKİ; ŞENTÜRK, EROL; ÖZTURAN, ORHAN
    AMAÇ: Çoğu ameliyatta kesi ve kanama kontrolü üçün monopolarelektrokoter yaygın olarak kullanılan cerrrahi bir enstrümandır. Ancakmonopolar elektorkoterin iç kulak üzerine etkisi bilinmemektedir.Çalışmamızda monopolar elektrokoterin iç kulak üzerine etkisinin odyo-lojik ve histopatolojik olarak incelenmesi amaçlandı.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışmamıza 32 adet sağlıklı dişi SpragueDawley sıçan (200-240 gr) dahil edildi. Ratlar her biri sekizerli olacakşekilde dört gruba ayrıldı.Grup 1: Monopolar elektrokoter-5WGrup 2: Monopolar elektrokoter-10WGrup 3: Monopolar elektrokoter-20WGrup 4: KontrolTüm gruplardaki ratlara bazal odyometrik ölçümler (DistorsiyonProduct Otoakustik Emisyon (DPOAE) ve Auditory Branstem Respones(ABR)) yapıldı.Grup 1,2 ve 3 e bazal odiyometrik ölçümler yapıldıktan sonra pro-montorium üzerine transtimpanik olarak monopolar elektrokoterin iğneucu ile mikroskop altında 2sn koterizasyon yapıldı. Kontrol grubuna her-hangibir işlem uygulanmadı. Tüm gruplarda çalışmanın 7 ve 14. günle-rinde odiyometrik ölçümler tekrarlandı.Çalışmanın odyolojik aşaması bittikten sonra ratların kokleaları eksizeedildi ve histopatolojik değerlendirme yapıldıBULGULAR: Grup 1,2,3 ve 4 ün bazal 7 ve 14. günlerindeki yüksekfrekans DPOAE amplitütleri (701 Hz, 997 Hz, 1401 Hz, 1977 Hz, 2834.Hz, 4002 Hz, 5636 Hz, 7988 Hz, 11288 Hz, 15991 Hz, 22608 Hz)(veABR eşikleri (10 kHz, 16kHz, 20 KhZ, 32kHz) arasında anlamlı farkyoktu (p>0,05).Tüm gruplarda kokleadaki spiral ganglion hücrelerinde ve sinir lifle-rinde hem hidropik dejenerasyon hemde nükleer kayıp gözlenmedi. Herüç grupda da histopatolojik değerlendirmede normal koklea yapısı göz-lenmiş olup gruplar arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamaktadır (p>0.05)SONUÇ: Farklı güçlerde (5W,10W ve 20 W) monopolar elektorkoteruygulaması sonrasında 7 ve 14. günlerde yapılan odyolojik ve hsitopa-tolojik değerlendirmelerde iç kulakta herhangibir zararlı etki saptanma-mıştır. Bu çalışma iç kulağın yakınında monopolar elektrokoterin güven-le kullanılabileceğini düşündümektedir.