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  • Publication
    Electromyography in Pediatric Population
    (2018-03-01T00:00:00Z) KOCASOY ORHAN, Elif; Baysal Kirac, Leyla; YALİNAY DİKMEN, PİNAR; Matur, ZELİHA; Ertas, Mustafa; ÖGE, Ali Emre; Deymeer, Feza; Yazici, Jale; BASLO, Mehmet Barış; MATUR, ZELİHA
    Introduction: Electrodiagnostic evaluation provides an important extension to the neurological examination for the evaluation of pediatric neuromuscular disease. Many pediatric neuromuscular diseases are analogous to those seen in the adult. However, the relative frequency of these illnesses varies greatly when different age populations are compared. The purpose of the present study is to provide a retrospective analysis of children referred to our electromyography (EMG) laboratory for electrophysiological examinations.
  • Publication
    Clinical Features of the -Optineurin- Mutation in familial FTD and ALS
    (2012-01-01T00:00:00Z) Cikrikcili, Ugur; Durmus, Hacer; Basak, Nazli; Gunel, Murat; GÜRVİT, İbrahim Hakan; Matur, ZELİHA; Akca Kalem, Sukriy; Serdaroglu-Oflazer, Piraye; Deymeer, Feza; Parman, Yesim; MATUR, ZELİHA
  • Publication
    Blefarospazm Olgularinda miRNA Alt Tipleri Ekspresyon Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi ve Aday Biyobelirteç Tayini
    (2024-01-01) Yaman Kula A.; Korkmaz N. D.; Düzenli Ö. F.; Yozlu M.; Kaya Güleç Z. E.; Yabacı Tak A.; Toruntay C.; Süsgün S.; Genç G.; Savrun F.; et al.; YAMAN KULA, ASLI; KORKMAZ, NUR DAMLA; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL; SÜSGÜN, SEDA; MATUR, ZELİHA
  • Publication
    (2023-12-13) Mustafayev E.; Nalbantoğlu M.; Uslu F.; Matur Z.; MUSTAFAYEV, ELSHAN; NALBANTOĞLU, MECBURE; USLU, FERDA; MATUR, ZELİHA
    EP - 109 SERONEGATİF OTOİMMÜN ENSEFALİT OLGUSUELSHAN MUSTAFAYEV , MECBURE NALBANTOĞLU , FERDA İLGEN USLU , ZELİHA MATURBEZMİALEM VAKIF ÜNİVERSİTESİ TIP FAKÜLTESİ HASTANESİ NÖROLOJİ ANABİLİMDALIAmaç:Otoimmün ensefalitler, subakut başlangıçlı bellek bozukluğu, konfüzyon, çeşitli psikiyatrik semptomlar ve nöbetlerle karakterize bir grup sendromdur. Subakut başlangıçlı nörolojik bulgular (davranış değişiklikleriyle karakterize ensefalopatiler, hareket bozuklukları, sık nöbetler, psikoz, otonom bozukluk), beyin omurilik sıvısında (BOS), beyin görüntülemesinde santral sinir sistemi inflamasyonu bulgusunun veya non-spesifik ak madde değişikliklerinden bir veya daha fazlasının saptanması durumunda otoimmün etiyolojilerin araştırılması önerilmektedir.Olgu:Bilinen hastalık öyküsü olmayan, 43 yaşında kadın hasta beş gün içinde 12 defa tekrarlayan farkındalığın bozulduğu, başın ve gözlerin sağa deviye olduğu nöbetler, eşlik eden baş ağrısı, kafa karışıklığı ve hafıza kusurları nedeniyle acil servisimize başvurdu. İnteriktal dönemde yapılan nörolojik muayene doğaldı. Kan tetkiklerinde ve kontrastlı kraniyal manyetik rezonans görüntülemesinde özellik izlenmedi. İnteriktal dönemde yapılan elektroensefalografide epileptiform anomali saptanmadı. Kontrol elektroensefalografide klinik nöbet görüldü ve sol frontalden sağa yayılım gösteren epileptiform aktivite izlendi. BOS protein ve glukoz düzeyleri normaldi; hücre görülmedi; oligoklonal bant patern 2 pozitifti, IgG indeksi yüksekti. Tümör belirteçleri, malignite tarama görüntülemeleri, otoimmün ensefalit ve paraneoplastik antikor paneli negatif sonuçlandı. Hastaya otoimmün ensefalit ön tanısıyla intravenöz levetirasetam ve pulse metilprednisolon tedavileri verildi. Hastanın nöbetleri kontrol altına alındı, baş ağrısı geriledi. Oral metilprednisolon ve levetirasetam tedavileri ile poliklinik takibine alındı.Sonuç:Son yıllarda, epilepsinin iyi bilinen nedenlerinin yanı sıra immün etiyolojiler de gündeme gelmektedir. Seronegatif hastalarda görülen tedaviye yanıtın da henüz keşfedilmemiş antikor tipleri ile ilişkili olduğu öne sürülmektedir. Bu olgu bağlamında, akut/subakut başlangıçlı sık tekrarlayan nöbetler, nöropsikiyatrik değişiklikler ve enflamasyonu destekleyen laboratuvar ve radyolojik bulguları olan olgularda otoimmün epilepsilerin akla getirilmesi gerektiğini vurgulamak istedik.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment in Patients with Concomitant Chronic Migraine and Temporomandibular Disorders
    (2018-12-01T00:00:00Z) Kocaman, Gulsen; Kahraman, Nese; Gurkan Koseoglu, Banu; Bilgic, Basar; Ertas, Mustafa; Gulsen, Yesim; Baykan Baykal, Betul; MATUR, ZELİHA
    Introduction: Migraine and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are both common diseases and TMD are reported as a risk factor in migraine progression. OnabotulinumtoxinA is used in the treatment of chronic migraine (CM), and also has a potential role in TMD treatment. In this study, it is aimed to compare the efficacy of onabotulinumtoxinA treatment in CM patients with and without TMD.
  • Publication
    Electrodiagnostic methods to verify Guillain-Barré syndrome subtypes in Istanbul: A prospective multicenter study
    (2024-01-30) TAŞDEMİR V.; Sirin N. G.; Cakar A.; Culha A.; Soysal A.; Elmali A. D.; GÜNDÜZ A.; Arslan B.; Yalcin D.; Atakli D.; et al.; USLU, FERDA; MATUR, ZELİHA
    Background and Aims: This study aimed to identify the clinical characteristics and electrodiagnostic subtypes of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in Istanbul. Methods: Patients with GBS were prospectively recruited between April 2019 and March 2022 and two electrodiagnostic examinations were performed on each patient. The criteria of Ho et al., Hadden et al., Rajabally et al., and Uncini et al. were compared for the differentiation of demyelinating and axonal subtypes, and their relations with anti-ganglioside antibodies were analyzed. Results: One hundred seventy-seven patients were included, 69 before the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (April 2019-February 2020) and 108 during the pandemic (March 2020-March 2022), without substantial changes in monthly frequencies. As compared with the criteria of Uncini et al., demyelinating GBS subtype diagnosis was more frequent according to the Ho et al. and Hadden et al. criteria (95/162, 58.6% vs. 110/174, 63.2% and 121/174, 69.5%, respectively), and less frequent according to Rajabally et al.\"s criteria (76/174, 43.7%). Fourteen patients\" diagnoses made using Rajabally et al.\"s criteria were shifted to the other subtype with the second electrodiagnostic examination. Of the 106 analyzed patients, 22 had immunoglobulin G anti-ganglioside antibodies (14 with the axonal subtype). They had less frequent sensory symptoms (54.5% vs. 83.1%, p = 0.009), a more frequent history of previous gastroenteritis (54.5% vs. 22.9%, p = 0.007), and a more severe disease as compared with those without antibodies. Interpretation: Serial electrodiagnostic examinations are more helpful for accurate subtype diagnosis of GBS because of the dynamic pathophysiology of the disease. We observed no significant increase in GBS frequency during the pandemic in this metropolis.
  • Publication
    Somatosensory Evoked Potentials In Patients With Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
    (2016-01-01T00:00:00Z) Ozemir, Zeynep Aydin; Matur, ZELİHA; BAYKAL, Betül; ÖGE, Ali Emre; MATUR, ZELİHA
    While a small number of studies dealing with somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) have demonstrated hyperexcitability in the primary somatosensory cortex of juve-nile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) patients, the underlying mechanisms have yet to be illuminated. Determination of higher cortical SEP responses in some JME patients and recordings of very high amplitude responses, called -giant SEP,- in a specific subgroup may indicate a clinical and possibly genetic heterogeneity within JME patients. In the present review, the findings of previous studies concerned with SEP in JME patients are summarized, and their importance regarding JME etiopathogenesis and related clinical findings is discussed.
  • Publication
    Clinical, Electrophysiological, and Serological Evaluation of Patients with Cramp-Fasciculation Syndrome
    (2017-06-01T00:00:00Z) Poyraz, Muruvvet; Matur, ZELİHA; Aysal, Fikret; TÜZÜN, Erdem; Hanoglu, Lutfu; ÖGE, Ali Emre; MATUR, ZELİHA
    Introduction: Cramp-fasciculation syndrome (CFS) is a rare peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome. There are only a few reports on clinical and serological profile of a CFS cohort that was followed up by a single outpatient clinic.
  • Publication
    Effects of amantadine on postural instability in Parkinson-s disease
    (2014-05-01T00:00:00Z) Topcular, B.; Altinkaya, A.; Yabalak, A.; Kaymaz, A.; Altunrende, B.; Matur, ZELİHA; Gungor, O.; Altindag, E.; Demir, G. Akman; MATUR, ZELİHA
  • Publication
    (2018-09-01T00:00:00Z) Matur, ZELİHA; Avci, Sahin; Akan, Onur; Altunrende, Burcu; Uyguner, Oya; MATUR, ZELİHA