17 - Amaçlar için Ortaklıklar

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Amaçlar için Ortaklıklar Uygulama araçlarını güçlendirmek ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma için küresel ortaklığı canlandırmak. Hedefler, tüm hedefleri başarmak üzere ulusal planları desteklemek suretiyle Kuzey-Güney ve Güney-Güney işbirliğini artırma amacını güdüyor. Uluslararası ticaretin geliştirilmesi ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin ihracatını artırmalarına destek verilmesi, adil ve açık, herkesin yararına olan, evrensel kurallara dayalı ve hakkaniyetli bir ticaret sistemini oluşturmanın unsurlarıdır.

Publication Search Results

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    Akıllı Depolama Sistemleri
    (Paradigma Yayınları, 2022-11-01) Toker K.; Görener A.; TOKER, KEREM
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    Non-profit Organizations: A Path for Social Economy
    (Istanbul University Publication, 2023-02-01) Toker K.; TOKER, KEREM
    The structural basis of the social economy is non-profit organizations. Therefore, understanding the structure and management principles of non-profits is essential to create a global economy based on solidarity. However, despite the critical importance and role of non-profit organizations, studies on non-profit organizations are not holistic from a managerial perspective. For this reason, a holistic approach that covers all economic, political, and social components is needed when analyzing the social economy and NPOs Toward this aim, in this section, nonprofits are examined based on their organizational structure and management principles. This examination will compare for-profit and non-profits organizations’ mission, organizational structure, performance criteria, etc. The lack of profit in non-profit organization’s (NPO) mission stands out as the most crucial difference that shapes their management characteristics and organizational structure.Keywords: Social Organizations, Social Economy, Organizational Structure, Non-profit Organizations
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    Evaluation of circular economy business models for SMEs using spherical fuzzy TOPSIS: an application from a developing countries’ perspective
    (2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) Toker, Kerem; Görener, Ali; TOKER, KEREM
    While the circular economy has recently been the subject of considerable theoretical debate, the discussion has yielded limited insight into how its implementation should look. Developing countries’ inadequate regulation and policy hinder the circular economy’s implementation in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with resource, strategy, and skill constraints. Therefore, circular economy business models (CEBMs) support SMEs in overcoming the risks of implementation. However, SMEs often struggle to decide which CEBM to use. This study aims to enable developing countries’ SMEs to choose the most appropriate CEBM using the spherical fuzzy TOPSIS method, which is an extremely new method for solving decision-making problems. The four main CEBMs most frequently encountered in the literature and practice have been extensively analysed. The results suggest that the resource recovery model is the most appropriate model for transitioning to a circular economy for SMEs in developing countries. Circular supply is the second suitable business model. Following these stages, after the organisation reaches a specifc level of CE maturity, the product life extension and the product–service system model should be applied at the last stage. A comparative assessment and a sensitivity analysis are conducted to test the proposed methodology’s robustness and reliability. The results opened up a space for discussion and for new thoughts that could improve the scope of the CEBMs theory. Using all CEBMs together, we concluded that the transition to CE will not be successful for SMEs. The order in which CEBMs should be applied in the transition to CE has been determined. Their scope, risks, and resources needed were correlated with these data from the feld. This practical implementation guide, which we recommend based on theoretical foundations, ofers administrators and future researchers original insights.