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Yoksulluğun her biçiminin ortadan kaldırılması günümüzde insanlığın karşı karşıya olduğu en büyük sorun olmaya devam ediyor. Aşırı yoksulluk içinde yaşayan insanların sayısı 1990 ile 2015 arasında 1,9 milyardan 836 milyona düşmek suretiyle, yarıdan fazla azalmış olsa da, hala çok sayıda insan en temel insani gereksinimlerini karşılama savaşı vermektedir. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları, başlamış olduğumuz şeyi bitirme ve yoksulluğun her biçimi ve boyutunu ortadan kaldırma yönünde oldukça cesur bir taahhüttür. En korunmasız durumda olanların hedeflenmesi, temel kaynaklar ve hizmetlere erişimin artırılması ve çatışmalar ile iklim temelli afetlerden etkilenen toplumların desteklenmesini içerir.

Publication Search Results

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    Assessment of electronic media use in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    (2017-10-01) Gormez, Vahdet; Orengul, ABDURRAHMAN CAHİD; ÖRENGÜL, ABDURRAHMAN CAHİD
    Objective: Electronic media use is an emerging area of research interest, however its relationship with Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is neglected in Turkish literature. We therefore aimed to examine its relationship with certain variables and ADHD subtypes. Methods: A total of 360 participants aged between 6-18 years, who attended Bezmialem University, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic between January 2016 and October 2016, were screened with the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children K-SADS) interview to ascertain diagnoses and a sociodemographic information tool was used to collect the relevant data. Results: The mean age of the sample was 9.47 +/- 2.67 years, and 81.9% of them consisted of males. 20.6% of the sample was reported to spend between 2 and 4 hours a day using electronic media gadgets (TV viewing, cell phone and/or tablet/computer use), while 4-6 hours of use was reported in 15.8%, 6-8 hours in 11.4%, 8-10 hours in 9.4% and more than 10 hours/day in 18.2% of the total sample. Heavy users of electronic media (> 6 hours/day) reportedly had significantly higher academic achievement and lower socioeconomic status as compared to those who used it at medium (2-6 hours/day) and low levels (< 2 hours/day). Gender, the content of TV viewing and total electronic media use within the household also significantly differed between the heavy, medium and low intensity users. Regression analyses revealed that total daily electronic media use for 10 hours and above was significantly and independently associated with the current family psychiatric illness and low academic achievement of the child. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting use of a variety of electronic media gadgets in a Turkish clinical sample of children and adolescents with ADHD. Results are in line with the existing international literature and highlights the excessive electronic media use in this clinical population. We recommend a routine screening for electronic media exposure in ADHD minors and increase awareness in their families and schools. Longitudinal and methodologically more robust studies are needed to examine cause-effect relationships.
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    SIRT1 gene variants are related to risk of childhood obesity
    (2015-04-01) Kilic, Ulkan; GOK, Ozlem; ELIBOL-CAN, BİRSEN; Ozgen, Ilker Tolga; Erenberk, UFUK; Uysal, Omer; DUNDAROZ, Mehmet Rusen; ELİBOL, BİRSEN; ÖZGEN, İLKER TOLGA; ERENBERK, UFUK; UYSAL, ÖMER
    Obesity is a multifactorial disorder resulting from the interaction between genetic, psychological, physical, environmental, and socioeconomic factors. SIRT1 gene has important effects on the regulation of adiponectin, caloric restriction, insulin sensitivity, coronary atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between childhood obesity and SIRT1 gene polymorphisms regarding rs7895833 A > G in the promoter region, rs7069102 C > G in intron 4, and rs2273773 C > T in exon 5 using PCR-CTPP method in 120 obese and 120 normal weight children. In this study, BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, and insulin levels were significantly higher and HDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower in obese children compared to normal weight children. For rs7895833 A > G, the rate of having AG genotype and G allele was significantly higher in obese children compared to non-obese group (p T. There was no significant difference for rs7069102 C > G gene polymorphism between groups.
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    ‘Yetim İlaçların Mevcut Durumu ve Eczacının Rolü
    YETİM İLAÇLARIN MEVCUT DURUMU ve ECZACININ ROLÜ Zehra Şeker1, Fatmanur Babalı1, Hümeyra Şahin1, M. Yunus Bektay2 1Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi 34093, Fatih, İstanbul, Türkiye. 2Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi, Klinik Eczacılık Anabilim Dalı 34093, Fatih, İstanbul, Türkiye. (yunusbektay@gmail.com) Yetim ilaçlar yaşamı tehdit eden veya engellilik yaratan nadir hastalıkların teşhisi, önlenmesi veya tedavisinde kullanılan beşeri tıbbi ürünler olarak belirtilmiştir. (Eurocare) Yetim ilaçların kullanıldığı nadir hastalıklar ise, Avrupa Birliği Yetim İlaç Yönetmeliği’nde 5/10000 veya az karşılaşılan hastalıklar olarak tanımlanmıştır (1). Nedeni %80 genetik kökenli, kronik, dejeneratif, progresif ve morbiditesi yüksek hastalıklardan oluşan nadir hastalıkların klinik göstergeleri ve sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde, ülke sağlık sisteminde ciddi olumsuz etki oluşturduğu, hasta ve hasta yakınları üzerinde psikolojik ve sosyo-ekonomik problemler meydana getirdiği ve bu hastaların diğer hastalarla eşit sağlık hizmeti alamadığı düşünülmektedir. Hastaların yaşadığı esas problem olan ‘tanıda gecikme’ ve akabinde ‘tedavide gecikme’ sorununu incelemeyi ve çözüm oluşturmayı amaçlayan EURORDISCARE-2 araştırması durumun vehametini ortaya çıkarmıştır (2). Hekim ve sağlık çalışanlarının, nadir hastalık anamnezinde yetkin olmaması, semptomların tanınamaması ve bulguların bağımsız zannedilmesi, tanı ve teşhiste sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Teşhis edilen vakalarda ise hastalar, tanı testlerinin ve ilaç fiyatlarının yüksekliği gibi engellerle karşılaşmaktadır. Ne yazık ki yapılan yatırımdan karşılık alınamaması sebebiyle ilaç firmalarının yetim ilaç ar-ge’sine, preklinik-klinik çalışmalarına ve üretimine yanaşmaması; ilaç erişilebilirliğini zorlaştırmaktadır. Sağlık otoritelerince yapılan teşviklerle yetim ilaç temininde ilerleme kaydedilse de süreklilik oluşmadığı için nadir hastalık ve yetim ilaç farkındalığı, kurumların ve sağlık çalışanlarının karşısında çözülmesi gereken bir problemdir (3). Problemin çözümünde eczacının rolü ise hastanın tedaviye uyuncuna yardımcı olmak, hastalığın ilerleyişini gözlemlemek ve gerektiğinde hekime yönlendirmektir. Ayrıca eczacı sorgulayıcı ve araştırmacı kimliğiyle, yetkin olmadığı durumlarda literatür taraması yaparak hasta eğitimini sağlamalıdır. Bu çalışmada dünya üzerinde daha küçük bir popülasyonun kullandığı yetim ilaçların ülkemizdeki ve dünyadaki mevcut durumunu, karşılaştırmalı olarak incelendi. İstatistiklerle ülkemizdeki yetim ilaç müstahzar sayısı ve yurt dışından temininde yaşanan sıkıntılar, yetim ilaca sektörün bakışı ve otoriteler tarafından yapılan teşvikler araştırıldı. Hastanın yaşam kalitesinin yükselmesinde eczacının rolünü ve mevcut durumun iyileştirilmesi için yapabilecekleri, nadir hastalıkların tedavi zorluklarını ve tüm bunların sonucunda hasta ve yakınlarının durumu ile ilgili farkındalık oluşturulması temel amaç olarak belirlendi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nadir Hastalık, Yetim İlaç, Yetim İlaç Hareketi. Referanslar 1. Haffner ME. Focus on research - Adopting orphan drugs - Two dozen years of treating rare diseases. New Engl J Med. 2006 Feb 2;354(5):445-7. PubMed PMID: WOS:000235019400004. English. 2. Le Cam Y. EURORDIS-The European Organisation for Rare Diseases. Haemophilia. 2012 Jul;18:6-. PubMed PMID: WOS:000305457800030. English. 3. Kole A, Faurisson F. Rare Diseases Social Epidemiology: Analysis of Inequalities. Rare Diseases Epidemiology. 2010;686:223-50. PubMed PMID: WOS:000282382800014. English.
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    (2021-09-01T00:00:00Z) Tekeoglu, I.; Nas, K.; KESKİN, Yaşar; Kilic, E.; Sargin, B.; Kasman, Acer S.; Alkan, H.; Sahin, N.; Cengiz, G.; Cuzdan, N.; Gezer, Albayrak; Keskin, D.; Mulkoglu, C.; Resorlu, H.; Ataman, S.; Hasturk, Bal A.; Duruoz, Tuncay M.; Kucukakkas, O.; Yurdakul, Volkan O.; Melikoglu, Alkan M.; Ayhan, Figen F.; Baykul, M.; Bodur, H.; Calis, M.; Capkin, E.; Devrimsel, G.; Ecesoy, H.; Gok, K.; Hizmetli, S.; Kamanli, A.; Kutluk, O.; Sen, N.; Sendur, Faruk O.; Toprak, M.; Tolu, S.; Tuncer, T.; KESKİN, YAŞAR; YURDAKUL, OZAN VOLKAN
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    Anxiety symptoms among informal caregivers in 47 low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional analysis of community-based surveys.
    (2021-11-14T00:00:00Z) Smith, Lee; Shin, Jae Il; Oh, Hans; López Sánchez, Guillermo F; Underwood, Benjamin; Jacob, Louis; Veronese, Nicola; Soysal, PINAR; Butler, Laurie; Barnett, Yvonne; Tully, Mark A; Koyanagi, Ai; SOYSAL, PINAR
  • PublicationUnknown
    A Catalyst for Social Economy: Society 5.0
    (Istanbul University Publication, 2023-02-01) Toker K.; TOKER, KEREM
    As our planet moves towards the middle of the 21st century, it faces a dizzying digital transformation process. This transformation brings along with it unique and innovative solutions to numerous social, organizational, and managerial issues. The most tangible of these solutions so far is the vision of Society 5.0 announced by the Japanese government in 2016. Within this scope, the purpose of this chapter is to develop conceptual insight into the reasons for the emergence, components, and goals of Society 5.0. Up-to-date research and current reports on the topic have been examined in this context, and a conceptual framework is formed. The findings show that many digital tools of Society 5.0 are already used in economies, but policymakers discuss these tools’ human-centered reuse. As a result, a positive futuristic perspective has been drawn that humanity will continue its life on a more habitable planet for decades to come and unite digital and physical space. Keywords: Society 5.0, Social Economy, Digital Transformation
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    Peritoneal Dialysis During Active War
    (2020-01-01T00:00:00Z) Gorbatkin, Chad; Finkelstein, Fredric O.; Kazancioglu, Rümeyza; KAZANCIOĞLU, RÜMEYZA
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    The impact of a six-month interpersonal group psychotherapy on functionality of patients with schizophrenia in a community mental health center
    (2018-12-01T00:00:00Z) Sukru, Filiz; Ozturk, Mihrimah; Kilic, ÖZGE; Ister Guneytepe, Sena; Ucok, Alp; KILIÇ, ÖZGE
    Objective: Psychotherapy is recommended concomitantly with pharmacotherapy to treat functional deterioration in patients with early-phase schizophrenia. This study aims to investigate and compare the impact of interpersonal group psychotherapy on functionality in patients with early-phase schizophrenia compared to painting therapy and waiting list groups. Methods: Prospective, single-blind, controlled study was carried out in Bolu Community Mental Health Center. The sample consists of 60 patients who had received neither rehabilitation nor psychotherapy before and who were eligible for the study. Participants were distributed consecutively to group psychotherapy, painting and waiting list groups each consisting 20 patients based on their order of admission. Therapeutic intervention was composed of 24 sessions of interpersonal group psychotherapy for 6 months. Sociodemographic Data Forms; positive and negative syndrome scales and brief functionality assessment scale were used at beginning and at the end of therapy. Results: Three groups did not differ in age, education, disease duration, number of hospitalizations, gender, working, socioeconomic and marital status, social support, pharmacological treatment-s type and dose. At the end of the study, patients in group psychotherapy had much more improvement in functionality compared to the painting therapy and waiting lists groups. Discussion: Interpersonal group psychotherapy may aid as an adjunctive to treatment as usual in community mental health centers to improve functioning of patients with early-phase schizophrenia.
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    Patient satisfaction in outpatient medical care: the case of Iraq
    (2020-08-01T00:00:00Z) Al-Ezzi, Saad Ahmed Ali; AL-EZZI, SAAD AHMED ALİ
    Background:Healthcare providers are increasingly interested in patient satisfaction as an indicator to assess the quality of health services. This study investigates the level of satisfaction among Iraqi patients attending the outpatient (OP) clinic.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study conducted from October to December 2019 among outpatient attendees in two busiestcenters in Iraq. A convenience sample of 235 (response rate of 88.0%) completed the self-administered short-form patient satisfaction questionnaire (PSQ-18). The independent variables included socio-demographic, economic, and self-perceived health status. Data were analyzed in SPSS, where descriptive analysis (mean ± standard deviation) and univariate (independent sample t-test, ANOVA test) and multivariate linear regression -Enter technique- was done at 0.05 level of significance and 95% confidence interval.Results: The mean age of respondents was 39.3 (±14.8). The sample was mostly women (55.3%), and 37.4% in the age group of 30-49 years. More than half of participants residing in the urban regions (54.5%) from families of monthly household income less than 500,000 Iraq Dinars (USD 400). However, the majority (70.6%) have the first visit to the OP clinic, and 53.6% self-perceived health as good or very good. Results of multiple linear regression showed that patients residents in rural regions (B= 5.4 ,P<0.001), married (B= 4.8,P<0.001), unemployed (B= 4.7,P<0.001) and low educated (B= 1.5,P<0.051) exhibited higher service satisfaction score compared to urban residents, single, employed and high educated participants respectively. However, patients aged fifty years and more (B= -2.1,P<0.001) and those with poor health (B=-2.5,P<0.001) exhibited lower service satisfaction scores compared to young age patients and the healthy participants, respectively.Conclusion:The high demand for the use of health resources in metropolitan cities by the rural population indicates inequality in the distribution of health services and an increase in the rural-to-urban displacement.
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    From Social Sustainability to Social Entrepreneurship: A Path for Social Value Creation
    (IGI Global, 2022-12-01) Toker K.; TOKER, KEREM
    Despite the discussion of social sustainability, which has been a crucial component of sustainable development for decades, unfortunately, the desired successful outcomes have not been realized in practice. This failure caused the need to examine the concept of social sustainability differently than ever before. Social entrepreneurship is a valuable tool to meet this need. Concordantly, this chapter purposes to evaluate the relations between social sustainability and social entrepreneurship by comprehensively analyzing them. Discussing this relationship and proposing a new perspective will support overcome theoretical dilemmas and practical struggles. Therefore, the concept of sustainability was explained in detail through a wide literature review, and then the concept of social entrepreneurship was examined, and links, similarities, and gaps were revealed between the two concepts. As a result, the effective implementation of social sustainability policies depends on the social impact and value created by social entrepreneurship.