Güncel diş renkli restoratif dolgu materyallerine farklı uygulama prosedüründeki ev tipi beyazlatma ajanları uygulandıktan sonra fiziksel özelliklerinin in vitro olarak incelenmesi / In vitro investigation of tooth colored restorative materials' physical properties after different application procedures of home bleaching agents

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The purpose of this in vitro study was to examine the physical properties of tooth colored restorative materials after different application procedures of home bleaching agents procedures in vitro situation. One hundred twenty samples of Ormocer nano-hybrid universal composite resin (Admira Fusion, Voco, Germany); Glass carbomer filler (GCP Glass carbomer, GCP Dental, Netherlands); high viscosity glass ionomer filling (Equia Forte, GC Dental, Japan) and TCD matrix based composite resin (Topaz, Kulzer, Japan) (n:30) were prepared in a metal mold (10x2 mm) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Samples of Admira Fusion and Topaz were polymerized with a LED light curing unit (Valo Cordless, Ultradent, USA) for 20 seconds. 400, 600, 800 and 1000 grit of silicon carbide abrasives were used to pre-flatten the samples under water cooling using the polishing device (Minitech 233, Presi, France), respectively. Then all samples were polished under water cooling with a polishing rubber (Dimanto, Voco, Germany) which contains diamond particles. Resin based surface covering (Equia Forte Coat, GC Dental, Japan) was applied to Equia Forte and polymerized for 20 seconds with a LED light curing unit. After the application of the finishing material (GCP glass, GCP Dental, The Netherlands) on glass carbomer, samples were polymerized with GCP CarboLED light curing unit (GCP Dental, The Netherlands) for 90 seconds. Afterwards, all samples were subjected to thermal aging process (10.000 cycles) with artificial saliva (SD Mechatronic Thermocycler, SD Mechatronic, Germany). For the color measurements a spectrophotometer (Vita Easy Shade Advance 4.0, Vita Zahnfabric, Germany); for the surface roughness a profilometer (MarSurf M 300 C, Mahr Gmbh, Germany) were used. Microhardness measurements were evaluated with a microhardness device (Shimadzu Microhardness Tester HMV-2 Series, Shimadzu, Japan) and the avarage of the measurements were recorded. Then the samples were divided into three groups randomly (n = 10). The first group was a control group and no bleaching procedure was applied on the samples. In the second group 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) agent (Opalescence PF 10%, Ultradent, USA) was applied on the samples for 8 hours per day (14 days) and on the last group 45% CP agent (Opalescence Quick PF 45%, Ultradent, USA) was performed for 30 minutes per day (14 days)s according to the manufacturer's instructions. During the bleaching procedure, all samples were stored in a 37ºC incubator with an artificial saliva solution. After the bleaching procedures were completed (control groups were only kept in the oven), surface roughness and microhardness measurements, color analysis were repeated. Statistical analyses of the data were carried out using SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA) 15.0 version package programme for Windows. Parametric one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Dunnet, Bonferroni tests and Student t test were used for the statistical analyses at a significance level of p <0.05. In this study it was found that, different bleaching procedures did not affect surface microhardness (VMH), total color change (ΔE) and surface roughness values (Ra) of Admira Fusion. VMH and Ra values did not change after 10% CP application to GCP glass carbomer; but ΔE value increased more than the clinically accepted values. It was observed that after 45% CP application all of the parameters were adversely affected and more than the clinically accepted values were investigated. After 10% CP application to Equia Forte; no change were found at VMH and Ra values but ΔE values increased more than the clinically accepted values. After 45% CP application, no change was examined at ΔE and Ra values but increased values were found at VMH values. After 10% CP was applied to Topaz, surface VMH values were decreased but Ra values were not affected. After 45% CP application no statistically significant difference was found between Ra and ΔE values, VHM values showed a decrease. As a conclusion; Old restorations with Admira Fusion may not need to be replaced when both 10% and 45% CP agent containing home bleaching procedures were applied. On the other hand, since the other materials' at least one parameter were negatively affected from bleaching applications, it can be adviced to replace the existing restorations after 10% and 45% CP agent containing home bleaching procedures.


Thesis (dentistry)--Bezmialem Vakıf University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Istanbul, 2019.


Cam iyonomer çimentoları = Glass ionomer cements, Dental materyaller = Dental materials, Dental restorasyon = Dental restoration, Diş beyazlatma = Tooth bleaching, Kök kanal dolgu materyalleri = Root canal filling materials, Yapay yaşlandırma = Artificial aging, In vitro, Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı, Department of Restorative Dentistry


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