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    Migration of intra-articular K-wire into the contralateral pelvis after surgery for developmental dysplasia of the hip: a case report
    (2010-09-01T00:00:00Z) Yurtcu, Muslim; Senaran, Hakan; Turk, Hakan H.; Abasiyanik, Adnan; Tuncay, İBRAHİM; ŞENARAN, HAKAN; TUNCAY, İBRAHİM
    Transarticular fixation of femoral head into acetabulum with K-wire is a seldomly used surgical method in difficult cases of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). This paper presents a child with intrapelvic transvesicular migration of a K-wire without any symptoms after treatment of DDH. Eight years old girl who had multiple surgeries 4 years ago due to bilateral DDH applied to the orthopedics clinic with limping. She had good range of motion of both hips. At the pelvis radiograph, there was an intrapelvic K-wire standing between two hemipelvises like a bridge. She did not have any enteral and urological symptoms after the previous operations. We planned to remove the K-wire in cooperation with the pediatric surgery department. On the cystoscopy, K-wire was seen passing through the urinary bladder. Wire was cut at the middle point and taken out of the body by laparotomy. The patient was discharged without any postoperative complications. K-wire retention in the body has high chance of migration. Early postoperative removal of the K-wire is necessary to prevent possible complications.