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    Farklı yapıdaki yapay dişlerin farklı sıvı ortamlardaki renk stabilitesi
    (2021-09-30T00:00:00Z) Deniz, Şule Tuğba; Özkan, Pelin; DENİZ, ŞULE TUĞBA
    Aim: New types of denture teeth using modified acrylic resin that incorporate cross-linking agents and composite resin containing different types of filler have become increasingly common. It has been possible to produce nano-sized filler particles with nanotechnology. However, evidence-based information regarding composition and properties is lacking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the colour stability of four commercially available denture tooth materials with different chemical structure when subjected to various beverages.Methods: Conventional acrylic resin, reinforced acrylic resin, microfiller composite resin, and nanofiller composite resin teeth with different brands were used, for a total of four different denture teeth groups. Denture teeth were subjected to four beverages (tea, filtered coffee, cola, and cherry juice) and distilled water as control. The test period of 24 hours appears comparable to approximately 1 month of normal beverage consumption. The test periods used in this study were arranged according to this protocol and 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months of normal beverage consumptions were simulated. From each group, 10 maxillary first molar denture teeth were immersed in each of the five solutions. The baseline, 1st week, 1st month, 3rd month and 6th month values for colour change of denture teeth were measured. Results: The differences of each value were calculated by one-way ANOVA statistically. For colour changes (ΔE) there was no significant difference among the specimens immersed in distilled water (Tukey HSD test, p>0.01). The highest colour changes were recorded for the specimens of Integral and Major immersed in cola, whereas for the specimens of Veracia and Orthosit immersed in tea (Tukey HSD test, p<0.01). Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, daily intake of common beverages may lead to colour changes of denture teeth. Microfiller composite resin denture tooth material is recommended due to its improved physical properties.
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    The effect of immediate dentin sealing with chlorhexidine pretreatment on the shear bond strength of dual-cure adhesive cement
    (2021-07-01T00:00:00Z) DENİZ, ŞULE TUĞBA; OĞLAKÇI, Burcu; Yesilirmak, Sevda Ozturk; DALKILIÇ, Evrim; DENİZ, ŞULE TUĞBA; OĞLAKÇI, BURCU; DALKILIÇ, EVRIM
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of immediate dentin sealing (IDS) with and without chlorhexidine (CHX) pretreatment on the shear bond strength (SBS) of dual-cure adhesive resin cement. Mid-coronal dentin surfaces were obtained from 75 human molars. They were randomly allocated into five groups in accordance to type of IDS [etch&rinse/ER (Adper Single Bond2) and universal/U adhesive systems (Single Bond Universal)] and presence of CHX application (n = 15): Group ER; Group ER + CHX; Group U; Group U + CHX; and Group C (no IDS). Dual-cure adhesive resin cements were bonded with a cylinder-shaped Teflon mold. The SBS was measured using a universal test machine. Fracture type was evaluated with stereomicroscope. The resin/dentin interfaces were examined with an environmental scanning electron microscope. Data were statistically analyzed with two-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni tests (p .05). Group U + CHX showed significantly higher SBS than Group C (p .05). The prevalent failure mode was the mixed type for most of the groups. Group C exhibited an intact and regular hybrid layer with no resin tag, whereas longer and clear resin-tag formation was visible for Group U + CHX. CHX pretreatment improved the bond strength between adhesive resin cement and dentin when IDS treatment was performed with a universal adhesive system.