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    Early stage T1-weighted perfusion magnetic resonance imaging: a factor that predicts local control response in patients with meningioma who underwent gamma-knife radiosurgery
    (2022-08-01T00:00:00Z) Abdallah, Anas; SEYİTHANOĞLU, MEHMET HAKAN; Papaker, Meliha Gundag; Aralasmak, Ayse; YAPAR, SELÇUK; Baloglu, Gokhan; SEYİTHANOĞLU, MEHMET HAKAN; GUNDAG, MELİHA; ARALAŞMAK, AYŞE; YAPAR, SELÇUK
    Background Gamma-knife radiosurgery (GKRS) is an alternative treatment option for selected intracranial meningiomas. The study-s aim is to demonstrate the advantages of T1-weighted perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (T1-PMRI) by measuring the volume transfer coefficient (K-trans) values in the prediction of local response for patients with meningioma who have undergone GKRS consecutively. Methods The data of patients diagnosed radiologically with WHO grade 1 intracranial meningiomas was collected prospectively. The patients who were treated consecutively with GKRS at our institution (September 2017-September 2018) were included. After GKRS, the patients were followed up at the defined periods with routine contrast-enhanced MRI and T1-PMRI by measuring the K-trans. The comparison between the pre-treatment and third-month post-treatment (PO3M) K-trans was done using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results Thirty-one patients with 36 tumors have undergone GKRS. Twenty-two patients were female. The mean age was 55.3 years. The mean pre-GKRS volume was 7.67 ccs. The mean 50% radiation isodose was 12.2 Gy. The local tumor control rate was 100%. Fourteen tumors were regressed fully at the last MRI. PO3M K-trans decreased when compared with the pre-GKRS values (p < 0.0001). However, the numerical decrease in tumor volumes on contrast-enhanced MRI was not statistically significant (p = 0.117). Conclusion Changes between K-trans on PO3M and pre-GKRS T1-PMRI were more useful in determining the early response to GKRS in patients with meningioma than volumetric changes. Therefore, K-trans should be taken as a reference to predict the early response to GKRS in follow-up imaging scans.