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    Ekstraartiküler Kalça Ağrıları
    (2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) Yurdakul, Ozan Volkan; Kara, Mert; YURDAKUL, OZAN VOLKAN; KARA, MERT
    Hip-related muscles, tendons, bursae, and nerves may be sources of hip pain due to the mobile and weight-bearing structure of the hip girdle. Exercise is considered an effective conservative treatment method for hip pain. Underlying pathology should be considered when prescribing exercises for hip pain; thus, individualized exercise programs should be given. Balance between flexibility and strength of strong muscles surrounding the hip joint should be pursued, and existing imbalances should be eliminated. Besides, core strengthening exercises should be implemented to the program due to synchronic working of the hip and core region. In this chapter, exercise recommendations for common causes of extra-articular sources of hip pain such as myofascial pain syndrome, great trochanteric pain syndrome, pelvic pain, sacroiliac joint pain, thoracolumbar syndrome, nerve entrapments of the hip, deep gluteal pain syndrome, and piriformis syndrome will be presented accompanied by the recent literature. Keywords: Exercise; hip joint; exercise therapy; pain