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    (2022-12-01) Gedik Toker Ö.; Özdemir S.; Başöz Behmen M.; Hüsam H.; Aksoy F.; GEDİK, ÖZGE; ÖZDEMİR, SÜMEYYE; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA; HÜSAM, HİLAL; AKSOY, FADLULLAH
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    Light cupula phenomenon: a systematic review
    (2022-11-01) Bal N.; Altun M.; Kuru E.; Başöz Behmen M.; Gedik Toker Ö.; KURU, ELIF; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA; GEDİK, ÖZGE
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    (2022-03-01) Bal N.; Taş N.; Başöz M.; Gedik Ö.; TAŞ, NİDA; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA
    Giriş:Elektrokokleografi, akustik uyaranlara yanıt olarak koklea ve akustik sinirde oluşan elektriksel aktivitenin ölçümüdür. Elektrokokleografi bileşenlerinin uyaran ve katılımcının özelliklerine bağlı olarak değiştiği bilinmektedir. Literatürde Türk toplumunda tiptrode elektrotlar ile kaydedilen elektrokokleografi sonuçlarını inceleyen yeterli sayıda çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu sebeple çalışmamızda normal işiten bireylerde tiptrode elektrot ile kaydedilen elektrokokleografi değişkenlerinin yaş ve değerlendirilen kulakla ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem ve Gereçler:2016-2021 yılları arasında yapılan retrospektif çalışmaya işitsel ve vestibüler şikayeti olmayan 21-30 yaş arası 26 genç yetişkin, 30-51 yaş arası 20 orta yetişkin dahil edilmiştir. Katılımcılara 90 dB nHL şiddetinde klik uyaran ile 11.3/sn ratede elektrokokleografi testi yapılmıştır.Bulgular:Orta yetişkin grubun SP/AP alan oranı anlamlı derecede yüksek elde edilmiştir. Katılımcıların sonuçları sağ ve sol kulak olarak karşılaştırıldığında sağ kulakta AP durasyonu anlamlı derecede uzun elde edilmiştir. AP latanslarının yaş ile korele uzadığı gözlenmiştir.Sonuçlar:Ülkemizde elektrokokleografi çalışmalarının eksikliği göz önüne alındığında, elektrokokleografinin rutin klinik değerlendirilmeye dahil edilebilmesi için uygulama kolaylığı sağlayan tiptrode elektrot kullanımına özgü normatif verilerin oluşturulması ve benzeri çalışmaların arttırılması önerilmiştir.
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    Speech auditory brainstem response in audiological practice: a systematic review
    (2023-01-01) Başöz Behmen M.; Güner N.; Kuru E.; Bal N.; Gedik Toker Ö.; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA; KURU, ELIF; GEDİK, ÖZGE
    Background: Speech-ABR is an auditory brainstem response that evaluates the integrity of the temporal and spectral coding of speech in the upper levels of the brainstem. It reflects the acoustic properties of the stimulus used and consists of seven major waves. Waves V and A represent the onset of the response; wave C transition region; D, E, and F waves periodic region (frequency following response); and wave O reflects the offset of the response.PurposeThe aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical availability of the speech-ABR procedure through a literature review.MethodsLiterature search was conducted in Pubmed, Google Scholar, Scopus and Science Direct databases. Clinical studies of the last 15 years have been included in this review and 60 articles have been reviewed.ResultsAs a result of the articles reviewed, it was seen that most of the studies on speech ABR were conducted with children and young people and generally focused on latency analysis measurements. Most used stimulus is the /da/ syllable.ConclusionsSpeech ABR can objectively measure the auditory cues important for speech recognition and has many clini- cal applications. It can be used as a biomarker for auditory processing disorders, learning disorders, dyslexia, otitis media, hearing loss, language disorders and phonological disorders. S-ABR is an effective procedure that can be used in speech and language evaluations in people with hearing aids or cochlear implant. It may also be of benefit to the aging auditory system\"s ability to encode temporal cues.
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    Effect of digital screen usage on the visual-vestibular system interaction
    (2023-09-01) Gedik Toker Ö.; Taş N.; Erentürk Ö.; Erdem S.; Başöz Behmen M.; Bal N.; GEDİK, ÖZGE; TAŞ, NİDA; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA
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    Masseter vestibular evoked myogenic potential result of possible meniere's patients
    (2023-12-01) Başöz M.; Yabacı Tak A.; BAŞÖZ, MELIHA; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    BACKGROUND: The Masseter Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potential (mVEMP) test evaluates the vestibulo-masseteric reflex neural pathway between the sound-stimulated saccule hair cells and the motor neurons of the trigeminal nerve. PURPOSE: This study aims to investigate the contribution of mVEMP to the conclusive diagnosis of recurrent vestibulopathy patients that were diagnosed with Possible Ménière\"s disease. METHODS: The study includes 20 healthy individuals aged 18-40 years and 20 patients that were diagnosed with possible Ménière\"s disease according to the American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS, 1995) Guidelines for the Definition of Ménière\"s Disease. In addition to the AAO-HNS, 1995 criteria, the presence of aural signs on the affected side was questioned according to the Meniere\"s criteria updated in 2015. mVEMP records were obtained by using surface electrodes placed on masseter muscles. Latency and amplitude values and asymmetry ratios of mVEMP waves were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Asymmetry ratios were 15.9±9.7% for the control group, and 60.61±45.52 for the experimental group, this difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). The absolute latency and amplitude results were not statistically different between groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: As Murofishi (2001) stated in the literature, cervical VEMP/ocular VEMP latencies were not affected in peripheral pathologies, and in our study, no difference was observed between the groups in mVEMP latencies. The findings of our study showed that asymmetry ratio and absence of waves should be used in the clinical evaluation of Possible Meniere\"s disease. We conclude that mVEMP can be used to determine the lateralization of vestibular disorders and to support the presence of a vestibular pathology. mVEMP can contribute to the vestibular test battery.