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    Serum Bone Markers Levels and Bone Mineral Density in Familial Mediterranean Fever
    (2014-09-01) Aydin, TEOMAN; TASPINAR, Ozgur; Akbal, YILDIZ; PERU, Celaleddin; GULER, Mustafa; Uysal, Omer; Yakicier, M. Cengiz; AYDIN, TEOMAN; AKBAL, YILDIZ; UYSAL, ÖMER
    [Purpose] The aim of this study was to measure bone mineral density, serum and urinary bone turnover parameters, and to evaluate the influence of demographic and genetic factors on these parameters in FMF patients. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty-seven attack-free patients who were diagnosed with FMF (in accordance with Tel Hashomer criteria) were recruited at outpatient rheumatology clinics. We investigated whether there were any differences between the FMF patients and a control group in terms of lumbar and femur bone mineral density (BMD), standard deviation scores (Z scores and T scores) and bone markers. [Results] In terms of the median values of lumbar BMD (p = 0.21), lumbar T (p = 0.098) and Z (p = 0.109) scores, femoral neck BMD, femoral T and Z scores and total femur BMD, T (p = 0.788) and Z scores, there were no significant differences. [Conclusion] In our study, no statistically significant differences were found between FMF patients and a control group in terms of osteoporosis. The 25-OH vitamin D was found to be significantly lower in FMF patients than in the control group.