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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Oxidative Stress Status in Childhood Obesity: A Potential Risk Predictor
    (2016-10-13) Kılıç, Elif; Ozer, Omer Faruk; Erek, Aybala Toprak; ERMAN, HAYRİYE; Torun, EMEL; AYHAN, Siddika Kesgin; Caglar, HİFA GÜLRU; Selek, Sahbettin; Kocyigit, ABDÜRRAHİM; ÖZER, ÖMER FARUK; TORUN, EMEL; ÇAĞLAR, HİFA GÜLRU; SELEK, ŞAHABETTİN; KOÇYİĞİT, ABDÜRRAHİM
    Background: Childhood obesity characterized by excessive fat in the body is one of the most serious health problems worldwide due to the social, medical, and physiological complications. Obesity and associated diseases are triggering factors for oxidative stress and inflammation. The aim of this study was to explore the possible association between childhood obesity and inflammatory and oxidative status. Material/Methods: Thirty-seven obese children and 37 healthy controls selected from among children admitted to BLIND University Paediatrics Department were included in the study. Anthropometric measurements were performed using standard methods. Glucose, lipid parameters, CRP, insulin, total oxidant status (TOS), total anti-oxidant status (TAS) levels, and total thiol levels (TTL) were measured in serum. HOMA index (HOMA-IR) were calculated. The differences between the groups were evaluated statistically using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Body mass index was significantly higher in the obese group (median: 28.31(p<0.001). Glucose metabolism, insulin, and HOMA-IR levels were significantly higher in the obese group (both p<0.001). Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels were significantly higher in the obese group (p<0.001). TAS (med: 2.5 µmol Trolox eq/L (1.7–3.3)) and TOS (med: 49.1 µmol H2 O2 eq/L (34.5–78.8)) levels and TTL (med: 0.22 mmol/L (0.16–0.26)) were significantly higher in the obese group (p=0.001). CRP levels showed positive correlation with TOS and negative correlation with TTL levels (p=0.005, r=0.473; p=0.01, r=–0.417; respectively). TTL levels exhibited negative correlation with TOS levels (p=0.03, r=–0.347). Conclusions: In conclusion, obese children were exposed to more oxidative burden than children with normal weight. Increased systemic oxidative stress induced by childhood obesity can cause development of obesity-related complications and diseases. Widely focussed studies are required on the use of oxidative parameters as early prognostic parameters in detection of obesity-related complications