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  • PublicationMetadata only
    Anatomical Landmarks of the Beard Region
    (2021-11-01T00:00:00Z) DURGUN, UFUK; ERGÜN, SELMA; Gayretli, Ozcan; Kelahmetoglu, Osman; ÇAMLI, MEHMET FATİH; DURGUN, UFUK; ERGÜN, SELMA; ÇAMLI, MEHMET FATİH
    BACKGROUND With recent advancements in hair restoration techniques, hair can be transplanted into nonscalp areas, such as the beard region, and the result looks natural. Although scalp zones and landmarks have been available for planning and designing the hairline, landmarks that will determine the beard lines are yet to be presented and made known for clinical practice. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine and analyze the beard lines and anatomical boundaries of the beard area to provide a more natural restoration/reconstruction appearance. MATERIALS AND METHODS The soft-tissue landmarks of the face that will enable physicians to create natural-looking beard lines were determined. Based on these important points, beard lines were analyzed with anthropometric methods by using the photographs of 32 male volunteers. RESULTS The ideal upper and lower beard lines and the anatomical boundaries of the beard area were determined using these landmarks. CONCLUSION These lines ensure that beard restoration/reconstruction provides a more natural appearance.