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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Effect of Pilates Exercises on the Body Composition of Fasting Females
    (2022-08-01T00:00:00Z) Batar, Nazlı; Kermen, Seda; Sevdin, Sezen; Ersin, Aybüke; Güçlü, Duygu; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the changes in the body composition of individuals who fasted and did Pilates at least twice a week during Ramadan versus those who fasted but did no Pilates. Methods: This was an experimental study conducted on 60 healthy women who were admitted to the Noi Pilates in Istanbul Turkey, which was a private Pilates studio. The study was carried out on 60 grown-up, healthy women between 18 and 65 years of age who fasted in Ramadan 2019, some of whom did Pilates and some who did not. The women involved in the study had been doing Pilates for 6 months prior to Ramadan and did Pilates at least 3 times a week during Ramadan. Results: Significant increases were observed in body mass index (BMI), triceps skin-fold thickness (SFT), muscle mass and fat percentage in the fasting and non-pilates group (p<0.05). Our study found the change in the percentage of triceps SFT and fat in women who did Pilates to be more than those who did not. BMI, muscle mass, waist circumference and hip circumference of women who did Pilates and who did not do Pilates during Ramadan did not differ compared to the first measurements, and neither of the two methods dominated in terms of these variables. Conclusion: While a long period of fasting in Ramadan leads people to inactivity, personalized exercise and nutrition programs planned by experts may result in weight loss, especially for obese and slightly overweight people.
  • Publication
    (2020-08-28T00:00:00Z) Güneş Bayır, Ayşe; Güney, Merve; Güçlü, Duygu; Alban, Zeynep Hüdanur; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
  • Publication
    Assessment of the Quality and Reliability of Information on Nutrition After Bariatric Surgery on YouTube
    (2020-09-01T00:00:00Z) Batar, Nazli; Kermen, Seda; Sevdin, Sezen; Yildiz, Nida; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
    Background YouTube (TM) is a platform that many people, including patients, use to access health information. Recent studies have revealed that videos on YouTube (TM) are misleading or that medical videos may not contain appropriate information. This study aimed to assess the quality and reliability of videos on nutrition after bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods The keywords -after bariatric surgery diet- and -weight loss surgery postop diet- were used, and the first 100 videos for each keyword on YouTube (TM) were analyzed by considering the source, duration, content, and the number of likes of the video. The popularity of the video was calculated using the video power index (VPI) and view rate. The educational quality of the videos was evaluated using the DISCERN score, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) score, the Global Quality Score (GQS), the usefulness score, and a novel postoperation nutrition score (PONS). Results One hundred fourteen patients were included in the study. The mean duration and number of views were 12.51 min and 87,558.46, respectively. The DISCERN score, JAMA score, GQS, and usefulness score of the physicians or dietician-based videos were significantly higher than those of the patient-based videos (p < 0.001). Positive correlations were found between the VPI and view ratio, as well as between the duration and number of likes. Additionally, the DISCERN score was significant correlated with the duration and number of likes. Significantly positive correlations were found between the usefulness score and duration, usefulness score and number of likes, and PONS and duration (p < 0.01). Conclusions Informational videos on nutrition after bariatric surgery on YouTube (TM) are of low quality. Although the videos uploaded by physicians and dieticians have higher quality, only a few are available. Additionally, patients prefer to watch low-quality videos.
  • Publication
    Determination of Microbiological Quality of Ice Cream Sold in Istanbul and Their Evaluation in Terms of Public Health
    (2022-12-01) Güçlü D.; Güneş Bayır A.; Erdoğan Ö.; Özkan B.; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE; ERDOĞAN, ÖZCAN
  • Publication
    İstanbul Piyasasında Açıkta Satışa Sunulan Dondurmalarda Listeria monocytogenes Varlığının ve Antibiyotik Direncinin İncelenmesi
    (2023-12-01) Güneş Bayır A.; Erdoğan Ö.; Güçlü D.; Özkan B.; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE; ERDOĞAN, ÖZCAN; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
  • Publication
    Effects of Brown Adipose Tissue on Human Metabolism and Weight Loss
    (2022-05-01T00:00:00Z) Güçlü, Duygu; Demirkıran, Tuğba; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
  • Publication
    Impact of Nutrition Course on Lifestyle Behaviors of Students from Different Departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Turkey
    (2021-02-01T00:00:00Z) Güneş Bayır, Ayşe; Güçlü, Duygu; Güney, Merve; Alban, Zeynep Hüdanur; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
  • Publication
    Effect of Pilates on Body Composition and Some Biochemical Parameters of Women with Type 2 Diabetes on a Low-Carbohydrate or High-Complex-Carbohydrate Diabetic Diet
    (2020-06-01T00:00:00Z) Batar, Nazli; Kermen, Seda; Sevdin, Sezen; Ersin, Aybuke; San, Sevil; Erdem, Mustafa Genco; Demir, Halime Pulat; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
    Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has increased dramatically in the past 30 years. The World Health Organization has prepared an action plan to stop the increase in diabetes and obesity by 2025.
  • Publication
    İstanbul’da Satılan Dondurmaların Mikrobiyolojik Kalite ve Antibiyotik Dirençlerinin Belirlenmesi ve Halk Sağlığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
    (2023-03-15) Güneş Bayır A.; Erdoğan Ö.; Güçlü D.; Özkan B.; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE; ERDOĞAN, ÖZCAN; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU
    Ice cream is a kind of dessert consumed with various flavors. However, considering the nutrients of ice creams, it seems to be a good environment for the propagation of microorganisms. Therefore, it was aimed to determinate the microbiological quality of ice creams sold in the open according to Turkish Food Codex on Microbiological Criteria Regulation in this study. Microbiological quality of ice cream samples was evaluated in terms of public health risks and food unsafety which may occur during the production, storage and sales of ice creams. Seventy-five ice cream samples flavored with plain, fruit, and nuts were collected aseptically from 25 enterprises in Istanbul, Türkiye. The presence or absence and enumeration of Total Mesophilic Aerobic (TMA) bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. were investigated using related media. The results were evaluated according to the Turkish Food Codex on Microbiological Criteria Regulation. S. aureus found in some ice cream samples was examined for antibiotic resistance against 7 different antibiotics. About a third of all ice cream samples (32%; n=8) from 25 enterprises were found as ‘safe’ in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex on Microbiological Criteria Regulation in terms of public health. The TMA bacteria was determined %88 (n=22) in plain ice creams, %64 (n=16) in fruit ice creams and %92 (n=23) in nuts ice creams. Enterobacteriaceae were found 40% (n=10) of plain ice creams, 12% (n=3) of fruits and 40% (n=10) of nuts. Multiple antibiotic resistance was determined for S. aureus in only one enterprises\"s nuts flavored ice cream. Salmonella spp. was not found in any of collected ice cream samples. Ice creams sold in the open was seen that the microbiological quality of less than half of the enterprises was not at the desired level. Possibly, the unhygienic conditions of production, transportation and sale are eroding the food safety of this delicious dessert. According to the findings of our study, the high prevalence of microbial contamination in ice cream sold in the open may poses a risk to public health. Keywords: Ice cream, microbiological quality, public health, food safety.
  • Publication
    (2021-01-22T00:00:00Z) Güneş Bayır, Ayşe; Güçlü, Duygu; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE; BİLGİN, MEHMET GÜLTEKİN; GÜÇLÜ, DUYGU