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  • PublicationMetadata only
    Biomechanical Comparison of 2 Different Femoral Stems in the Shortening Osteotomy of the High-Riding Hip
    (2016-06-01) Tuncay, Ibrahim; Yildiz, FATİH; Bilsel, Kerem; Uzer, GÖKÇER; Elmadag, Mehmet; Erden, TUNAY; Bozdag, Ergun; TUNCAY, İBRAHİM; YILDIZ, FATİH; BİLSEL, İSMAIL KEREM; UZER, GÖKÇER; ELMADAĞ, NUH MEHMET; ERDEN, TUNAY
    Background: We hypothesized that a rectangular cross-sectional femoral stem may produce more initial stability of the transverse subtrochanteric femoral shortening osteotomy rather than a circular cross-sectional stem.
  • PublicationMetadata only
    Acetabular dysplasia may be related to global joint hyperlaxity
    (2016-05-01) Bilsel, Kerem; CEYLAN, Hasan Huseyin; Yildiz, FATİH; Erden, TUNAY; Toprak, ALİ; Tuncay, Ibrahim; BİLSEL, İSMAIL KEREM; YILDIZ, FATİH; ERDEN, TUNAY; TOPRAK, ALİ; TUNCAY, İBRAHİM
    Purpose Some patients with shoulder laxity complain of coxalgia without a history of trauma. We hypothesised that patients who have recurrent shoulder instability accompanied with generalised joint hyperlaxity tend to have acetabular dysplasia.