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  • PublicationMetadata only
    Global Perspectives in Cancer Care. Religion, Spirituality, and Cultural Diversity in Health and Healing
    (2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) Kebudi, Rejin; Çakır, Fatma Betül; Büyükkapu Bay, Sema; ÇAKIR, FATMA BETÜL
    Although survival rates for pediatric cancer have improved significantly over the past few decades, the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric cancer is still challenging. Childhood cancer has been described as a -family disease-, affecting the entire family and all those in the child’s close environment, including their friends in school. The care of a child with cancer must be family-centered, and consideration of the family’s cultural background is of the utmost importance. Families of children with cancer struggle with an acute life-altering disease as well as with possible long-term chronic complications. The cultural background of the family influences the treatment and follow-up for pediatric cancer patients. Influential cultural factors include: socioeconomic status, education, traditions, religion, and other moral values.
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    Palliative Care for Chronic Cancer Patients in the Community
    (2021-11-01T00:00:00Z) Kebudi, Rejin; Çakır, Fatma Betül; ÇAKIR, FATMA BETÜL
    PC is an approach that improves the QoL of patients and families facing problems associated with lifethreatening illness, such as cancer, by prevention and treatment of symptoms and side effects of the disease, by means of early identifcation, assessment, and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial, and spiritual. For a patient diagnosed with cancer, PC should begin at diagnosis and continue through treatment, follow-up care, and the end-of-life. PPC is the art and science of child-focused, family-oriented, relationship-centered medical care aimed at enhancing quality-oflife and minimizing suffering. Pain and symptom control, care coordination, and end-of-life care are important components of PPC.