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  • Publication
    Parmak Defektlerinin Süperfisyel Sirkümfleks İliak Arter Perforatör Serbest Flebi ile Çok Yönlü Rekonstrüksiyonu
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Hybrid Nasal Filler: Combining Agarose Gel and Hyaluronic Acid for Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty
    (2022-04-01T00:00:00Z) Buhsem, Omer; KİRAZOĞLU, AHMET; KİRAZOĞLU, AHMET
    Introduction: Given its structural properties, it would be a mistake to assume that a single type of filler fits perfectly to each anatomical region of the nose in nonsurgical rhinoplasty procedures. Therefore, we aimed to develop a hybrid treatment model by applying two different structural types of fillers. Hyaluronic acid (HA), a hydrophilic material, and agarose gel (AG), a nonhydrophilic and high G-prime material, were used in the study according to their advantages and disadvantages. Methods: Patients who presented to the office desiring filler treatment for nonsurgical correction of the nose in a 2-year period were enrolled in the study. HA was used intradermally 0.1ml per each point in the tip defining points and supratip. Injections of 0.4–0.7 and 0.4–0.6ml AG were used supraperiosteally in the radix and nasal spine, respectively. Clinical improvement was evaluated two weeks later using the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale from 1 to 5 (1: exceptional improvement; 5: worsened patient). Patient satisfaction was evaluated on a scale from 0 to 10 (0: not satisfied; 10: very satisfied). Results: A total of 32 patients (mean age: 27 years) were enrolled in the study. Mean score of patient satisfaction was 9.09 of 10 after injection and 9 of 10 after 2 weeks. Clinical evaluation scores after injection were 1.72 of 5 and 1.69 of 5 on the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale. No major complication was observed. Conclusion: The HA and AG filler hybrid concept applied in different anatomical locations represents a safe and convenient option for nonsurgical rhinoplasty procedures.
  • Publication
    Kronik Yara Yönetimi
    (Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, 2022-03-01) Kirazoğlu A.; Yıldız K.; Güneren E.; KİRAZOĞLU, AHMET; YILDIZ, KEMALETTİN; GÜNEREN, ETHEM
  • Publication
    Farklı Cerrahi Flep Geciktirme Yöntemlerinin Etkinliği ve Sistemik Toksisiteleri
    (2022-05-25) Kirazoğlu A.; Mirapoğlu S. L.; Kılıç Ü.; Güneren E.; Sağır H. Ö.; Koçyiğit A.; Yeşiloğlu N.; Canter H. İ.; Çay A.; Yıldız K.; KİRAZOĞLU, AHMET; GÜNEREN, ETHEM; KOÇYİĞİT, ABDÜRRAHİM; YILDIZ, KEMALETTİN
    Introduction: The surgical flap delaying has been shown to be effective in preventing partial flap loss or in preparing larger flaps. However, there is no gold standard flap delay method in the literature. In this study, the authors aimed to compare 3 types of surgical delay methods to determine which model would increase more flap survival. The authors also investigated the effect of delay methods on circulating mononuclear leukocytes as a parameter of DNA damage. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley male rats were divided into 4 groups. All subjects had a 10 × 3 cm modified McFarlane flap. Surface area measurements, biopsies, and blood samples were taken on the day of sacrification; 7th day for the control group and 14th day for delay groups. Results: Between incisional surgery delay groups, a significant difference was found in necrosis and apoptosis in the bipedicled group, and only necrosis in the tripedicled group compared to the control. In terms of DNA damage, it was found higher in all experimental groups than in the control group. Conclusions: Both incisional surgical delay procedures’ results were meaningfully effective when only incisions were made without the elevation of flaps. In conclusion, bipedicled incisional surgical delay seems to be the most effective method in McFarlane experimental flap model whereas two-staged surgeries may increase the risk of systemic toxicity