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Auto-/homografting can work well even if both autograft and allograft are meshed in 4:1 ratio

2014-01-01T00:00:00Z, Sahin, Ismail, Alhan, Dogan, Nisanci, Mustafa, Ozer, Firat, Eski, Muhitdin, Isik, Seluk, ÖZER, FIRAT

BACKGROUND: Patients suffering major burns of more than 50% total burn surface area lack an adequate skin graft donor site to resurface extensive burn wounds and usually need widely meshed autografting and allografting. Anything over the 3: 1 expansion ratio is strongly associated with low graft take, poor or delayed epithelialization, and hypertrophic scarring.

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Cerium nitrate treatment prevents progressive tissue necrosis in the zone of stasis following burn

2012-03-01T00:00:00Z, Eski, Muhitdin, Ozer, Firat, Firat, Cemal, Alhan, Dogan, Arslan, Nuri, Senturk, Tolga, Isik, Selcuk, ÖZER, FIRAT

Cerium nitrate (CN) was used as a topical antiseptic agent for the treatment of burn wounds and found to reduce the number of anticipated death in burn. This decreased burn related mortality cannot be explained by the control of wound infection alone. In the studies performed to elucidate the unexplained effects of CN treatment, it was shown that CN treatment reduced the alarm cytokine levels, decreased leukocyte activation, reduced macromolecular leakage and finally burn edema formation. We hypothesized that CN treatment prevents the conversion of the zone of stasis to progressive tissue necrosis by decreasing leukocyte activation and reducing macromolecular leakage and burn edema.