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Hipotiroidi Tedavisine Deneysel Alternatif Yöntem: Tiroid Dokusunun Kapsüle Edilmesi. Experimental Alternative Method for the Treatment of Hypothyroidism: Capsulation of the Thyroid Tissue.

2018-10-01T00:00:00Z, Yücesan, Emrah, Başoğlu, Harun, Özten Kandaş, Nur, Kanımdan, Ebru, Akbaş, Fahri, Ersoy, Yeliz Emine, Ayşan, Erhan, GÖNCÜ, BEYZA SERVET, AKBAŞ, FAHRİ, ERSOY, YELIZ EMINE

Objective: Hypothyroidism is a clinical condition that affects all age groups. Generally, lifelong medication is required for the treatment. Despite treatment, symptoms that are related to hormone insufficiency and side effects due to long-term medication can be seen. As an alternative approach, thyroid tissue transplantation may be useful, because of its potential to elevate the thyroid hormone levels and thus increase daily quality of life for the patients. Our aim in this study was to detect the in vitro optimal microencapsulation conditions for thyroid tissues with a biocompatible polymer to avoid immune rejection following transplantation. Material and Methods: Thyroid tissues were isolated mechanically, and followed-up in two groups; tissue and capsulated tissue culture. In-vitro capsule formation and morphology were screened using brightfield microscopy and T3 and T4 levels were evaluated biochemically throughout 60 days. Results: T3 and T4 levels were screened from collected medium samples at day 3., 9., 12., 15., 30., 45., 60.. In capsuled tissues T3 level was detected higher than the non-capsuled and negative control tissues from day 15. However, T4 level was stable for 60 days.