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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparative Evaluation of Orthostatic Hypotension in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.
    (2021-07-20T00:00:00Z) Aytaş, Gamze; Elçioğlu, Ömer C; Kazancıoğlu, Rümeyza; Gürsu, Meltem; Artan, A Serra; Yabacı, Ayşegül; Soysal, PINAR; Bilgi, Kadir; Özçelik, Semra; KAZANCIOĞLU, RÜMEYZA; ELÇİOĞLU, ÖMER CELAL; GÜRSU, MELTEM; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL; SOYSAL, PINAR; ÖZÇELİK, SEMRA
    Introduction: Orthostatic hypotension (OH) affects 5-20% of the population. Our study investigates the presence of OH in diabetic nephropathy (DNP) patients and the factors affecting OH in comparison with nondiabetic chronic kidney disease (NDCKD) patients. Method: Patients presented to the nephrology clinic, and those who consented were included in the study. DNP was defined by kidney biopsy and/or clinical criteria. NDCKD patients of the same sex, age, and eGFR were matched to DNP patients. Demographic parameters and medications were obtained from the records. OH was determined by Mayo clinic criteria. The same researcher used an electronic device to measure blood pressure (BP). All samples were taken and analyzed the same day for biochemical and hematologic parameters and albuminuria. Results: 112 (51 F, 61 M, mean age: 62.56 ± 9.35 years) DNP and 94 (40 F, 54 M, mean age: 62.23 ± 10.08 years) NDCKD patients were included. There was no significant difference between DNP and NDCKD groups in terms of OH prevalence (70.5 vs. 61.7%, p = 0.181). Male patients had significantly higher OH prevalence than female patients (74.7 vs. 60.0%, p = 0.026). There was no significant difference in change in systolic BP between the groups (24.00 [10.00-32.00] mm Hg vs. 24.00 [13.75-30.25] mm Hg, p = 0.797), but the change in diastolic BP was significantly higher in the DNP group (8.00 [2.00-13.00] mm Hg vs. 6.00 [2.00-9.00] mm Hg, p = 0.025). In the DNP group, patients with OH had significantly higher uric acid levels than those without OH (7.18 ± 1.55 vs. 6.36 ± 1.65 mg/dL, p = 0.017). And, 73.7% of patients on calcium channel blockers developed OH (p = 0.015), and OH developed in 80.6% of 36 patients on alpha-blockers (p = 0.049). Conclusion: OH prevalence is very high in CKD, and etiology of CKD does not have a statistically significant effect on the frequency of OH, despite a difference that could be meaningful clinically. Therefore, patients with CKD are checked for OH, with or without concurrent diabetes mellitus. Evaluation of postural BP changes should be a part of nephrology practice.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparison Between Sleeve Gastrectomy and Exenatide on Type 2 Diabetic Patients
    (2020-02-01T00:00:00Z) Elbasan, Onur; Şişman, Pınar; Peynirci, Hande; Yabacı, Ayşegül; Ersoy, Canan; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    Background: Diabetes and obesity are major causes of mortality and morbidity that are increasing all over the world. As obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetic patients, weight loss is important in the treatment of type 2 diabetic patients. In our study, our aim was to evaluate the effects of exenatide and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) in obese type 2 diabetic patients on the clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: Twenty-five LSG and 25 exenatide patients followed up in our outpatient clinic were involved in the study. Results: At the end of the 6-month follow-up, weight loss was ∼35.4 kg in the surgery group and 11.5 kg in the exenatide group. Although postprandial glucose and hemoglobin A1c were significantly decreased in both groups, the decrease was significantly higher in LSG group compared to the exenatide group. Although there was no significant change in fasting blood glucose (FBG) in the exenatide group, there was a significant decrease in FBG in LSG group. Conclusion: LSG is a method that should be performed up on indication and much more radical compared to exenatide administration, but appears to be a more efficient application that corrects diabetes- and obesity-related metabolic parameters compared to exenatide therapy in type 2 diabetic obese patients. © Copyright 2020, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers 2020.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    (2019-09-01T00:00:00Z) Elbasan, Onur; Şişman, Pınar; Peynirci, Hande; Yabacı, Ayşegül; Dirican, Melehat; Öz Gül, Özen; Cander, Soner; Ersoy, Canan; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    Background. Although diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea and hyperlipidemia are clearly documented as obesity associated diseases, it is not wellknown whether obesity causes renal pathologies. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of weight loss following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on clinical, renal parameters and urinary Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) levels in diabetic and non-diabetic obese patients. Methods. Nineteen morbidly obese patients (10 diabetic and 9 non diabetic) who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were evaluated clinically (anthropometric measurements) and biochemically before surgery and at 6 months from surgery. Results. Significant decreases in weight, BMI, FPG, PPG and HbA1c levels were observed in the diabetic group when the baseline and 6th month parameters of the patients were compared. There was also a significant decrease in SBP and DBP. At 6th month following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, renal parameters such as creatinine, mAlb/creatinine, NGAL/ creatinine did not differ in the diabetic group. In the nondiabetic group, serum creatinine levels were significantly decreased, but other renal parameters such as mAlb/creatinine and NGAL/ creatinine were not significantly different. Conclusions. Our findings revealed significant decreases in weight, body mass index and glycemic parameters after sleeve gastrectomy in diabetic and non-diabetic patients, while no significant alteration was noted in renal functions, urinary NGAL and microalbumin levels. Key words: sleeve gastrectomy, obesity, urinary NGAL, kidney, weight loss, T2DM.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Statistical Errors in Medical Residency Theses
    (2022-04-01T00:00:00Z) Yabacı Tak, Ayşegül; Can, Fatma Ezgi; Kaşkır Kesin, Fisun; Ahmadian Tetik, Robab; Ercan, İlker; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the theses of residency in medicine in terms of statistical errors made and thus to contribute to the production of quality scientific publications by ensuring that scientific publishers in the Add of medicine are sensitive and careful about statistics when doing their work. Methods: In this study, we investigated 321 thesis theses which are defended from 6 different universities arc obtained from the database of the Turkish Higher Education Council. The investigation is was conducted in terms of "Errors Related to p-values", "Errors Related to Tests", "Mathematical Notation Errors", "Statistical Symbol Errors", "Inappropriate Interpretation", "Presentation of The the Statistical Method Analysis and Results in The the Incorrect Section of The the Manuscript", "Errors in Summarizing Data","Incomprehensible Statistical Terms" and "Errors in Statistical Terminology" Results: There was at least one statistical error in all 321 medicine residency theses examined. The most common error was "errors in summarizing data" with a ratio of 70.1% (n=225), while the least common error was "incomprehensible statistical expressions" with a ratio of 14.3% (n=46). Conclusion: As a result, both researchers and consultants who undertake scientific studies have a responsibility to minimize these errors. To prevent statistical errors, students who are doing residency in medicine arc required to receive the necessary training in statistical literacy, to have basic statistical knowledge, and to receive consultancy from a biostatistics expert for statistical evaluations. Students who residency in medicine in preventing statistical errors are required to receive the necessary training in statistical literacy, to have basic statistical knowledge, and to receive consultancy from a biostatistics expert for statistical evaluations.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Retention and survival rate of etanercept in psoriasis over 15 years and patient outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: The real-world experience of a single center
    There have been a number of investigations of the efficacy and safety of etanercept. This study was performed to obtain long-term drug survival data (ie, time to drug discontinuation) for etanercept, and the reasons for its discontinuation. The study population consisted of patients with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis followed up by our clinic, registered in the Turkish Psoriasis Registry (PSR-TR) and treated with etanercept for at least 4 weeks between January 1, 2005, and January 31, 2020. The efficacy of etanercept was evaluated in terms of the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) 75, PASI 90 and PASI 100 response rates at 12, 24, 36, and 48 weeks, and annually thereafter. The behaviors of the patients with respect to the use of etanercept, and the outcomes of those who continued to use it during the COVID-19 pandemic, were also investigated.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Fibromiyalji Sendromu ile Bağırsak Mikrobiyotası Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması
    (2021-03-01T00:00:00Z) Albayrak, Büşra; Süsgün, Seda; Küçükakkaş, Okan; Akbaş, Fahri; Yabacı, Ayşegül; Özçelik, Semra; SÜSGÜN, SEDA; KÜÇÜKAKKAŞ, OKAN; AKBAŞ, FAHRİ; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL; ÖZÇELİK, SEMRA
    Fibromiyalji sendromu (FMS), yetişkin popülasyonda bildirilen prevalansı %3-10 olan, kronik yaygın ağrının sık görülen formlarından biridir. Tipik ağrının klinik görünümü ve ilişkili somatik ve psikolojik semptomların varlığı tanıya temel oluşturur. FMS sinir sistemi disfonksiyonu ile ilişkilidir ve nörotransmitterler fibromiyalji için onaylanmış bir dizi ilacın hedefi olarak rol oynamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, FMS’de altta yatan mekanizmalar kesin olarak henüz bilinmemekle birlikte birçok hipotez ortaya konmuştur. Fibromiyalji ve irritabl bağırsak sendromu (IBS) arasındaki ilişki göz önüne alındığında, değişen bağırsak mikrobiyomu fibromiyalji ile ilişkili olabilir. Bu çalışmada, FMS tanılı hastalarda sağlıklı kontrollere göre değişen bağırsak mikrobiyom düzeylerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Mikrobiyom çalışması için FMS tanılı 54 hastadan ve 36 sağlıklı kişiden oluşan kohorttan fekal örnekler toplanmıştır. Kontrol grubunda herhangi bir mental ve/veya fiziksel hastalığı olanlar çalışma dışında bırakılmıştır. FMS’li hasta grubu, -American College of Rheumatology (ACR)- 2010 tanı kriterlerine bağlı kalınarak belirlenmiştir. Fekal örnekler, kullanılana kadar -80°C’de muhafaza edilmiş ve buz üzerinde çözülmüş; her ekstraksiyon için 0.3 g feçes tartılmıştır. DNA izolasyonu, ticari kit ile üreticinin protokolüne uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekler, gerçek zamanlı polimeraz zincir yöntemi ile Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Enterobacter, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus ve Bifidobacterium’a özgül primerler ile 16S rRNA gen amplifikasyonu yapılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre, hasta grubunda Bacteroidetes ve Bifidobacterium istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde artarken (p< 0.05), Firmicutes’in azaldığı saptanmıştır (p< 0.001). Enterobacter, Streptococcus ve Lactobacillus için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuç bulunamamıştır (p> 0.05). Bakteriler arasındaki ilişki değerlendirildiğinde, Bacteroidetes ile Firmicutes yüzdesi arasında istatistiksel olarak yüksek anlamlı ve negatif korelasyon bulunurken (r= -0.778, p< 0.001), Enterobacter ve Bifidobacterium yüzdesi arasında orta derecede istatistiksel anlamlılık ve pozitif korelasyon gözlenmiştir (r= 0.460, p= 0.005). Sonuçlar, bağırsak mikrobiyotasının fibromiyaljide rol oynayabileceğini göstermektedir. Bağırsaktaki Firmicutes ve Bacteroidetes filumlarının dengesinin bağırsak homeostazı için önemli etkilere sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Özetle, daha büyük kohortlarda yapılacak büyük ölçekli araştırmaların, bağırsak mikrobiyomu ve FMS arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamada ve olası tedavi seçeneklerini değerlendirmede etkili olacağı açıktır.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Correlation of Body Composition Analysis with Anthropometric Measurements in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
    Objective: This study investigates correlations between different methods for diagnosis of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) in peritoneal dialysis patients. Methods: Twenty four patients were included. Patients with amputations, infections, peritonitis, malignancies and PD duration less than three months were excluded. Physical examination findings, laboratory results and anthropometric measurements were recorded. Body composition analysis was performed with multi-frequency bioimpedance analyzer. Dialysis malnutrition score (DMS) was calculated. The correlations of different parameters were searched. Results: Eleven patients were female and 13 patients were male. Mean age was 58.9±12.6 years. Median dialysis duration was 25 (interquartile range: 14) months. Protein percentage was negatively correlated with fat percentage (r=-0.785; p<0.001), triceps skinfold thickness (SFT) (r=-0.641; p<0.001), biceps SFT (r=-0.685; p<0.001), body mass index (BMI) (r=-0.867; p<0.001), mid-arm circumference (r=-0.680; p=0.001). Fat percentage was positively correlated with BMI (r=0.780; p<0.001), biceps SFT (r=0.817; p<0.001), triceps SFT (r=0.901; p<0.001) and mid-arm circumference (r=0.558; p=0.005) Albumin was negatively correlated with DMS (r= -0.439; p=0.032). DMS and albumin were not correlated with bioimpedance and anthropometry Conclusion: Albumin is a marker of PEM in PD patients. Malnutrition scores may be used as adjunct methods. Increase in fat mass and percentage may influence the interpretation of anthropometric measurements.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The Relationship Between the Learning Styles and Academic Performance of Medical Faculty Students
    (2021-06-01T00:00:00Z) Arıcı, Dilek Sema; Sarıkaya, Özlem; Yabacı, Ayşegül; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    Objective: Medical students have with different learning styles and different educational backgrounds. While the curriculum is being prepared, the success of students this situation should be considered. This study is designed to reveal the learning styles of the second-year medical students and to compare their academic performance with their learning style. Methods: One hundred and four students of 2nd-year Bezmialem Vakif University Medical School are included in the study. To reveal the learning styles, Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory applied to all students. Also, the academic performance of each student was listed. We compared the statistical relationship between gender and academic performance with students’ learning styles. Results: Of the 104 students’ there was 59 female, 45 male in gender. According to the questionnaire, most of the female and male students were assimilators (abstract-passive learners) (%58.5) and divergers (concrete –passive) (%28.8). Students’ academic performance results were between 75-80. We did not find a statistically significant difference between gender and students’learning styles and academic performance results ( p>0.05). Conclusion: Identifiying and monitoring of students’ learning styles in the universities especially in medical schools is neglected. However, we should know students’ learning style in order to recognize their learning habits shaped by previous learning experiences and to improve their success. Moreover, it is important to improve students’ performance by using learning strategies and methods suitable for different learning styles. Keywords: Learning, Academic Test Performance, Education, Medical
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Statistical shape analysis of hand and wrist in paediatric population on radiographs
    (2020-05-01T00:00:00Z) Koç, Ural; Ercan, İlker; Özdemir, Senem; Bolu, Semih; Yabacı, Ayşegül; Taydaş, Onur; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    Background/aim: The goal of this study was to compare differences in hand and wrist shapes and to evaluate these according to growth and allometry in children on radiographs related to bone age. Materials and methods: The study included 263 males and 189 females. A total of 452 left hand and wrist radiographs were retrospectively collected. Standard anatomical landmarks marked on radiographs. Results: There were seen to be significant differences in comparisons of hand and wrist shapes according to sex (P = 0.009). The most suitable model in the growth models was seen as the Gompertz growth model for both females and males (model P < 0.001). For the relationship between shape and size to evaluate allometry, significant models were obtained in females (model P = 0.017, MSE = 0.0002) and in males (model P < 0.001, MSE = 0.0002). In our study, the difference between the sexes was found mostly in the radiocarpal region. It was observed that the deformation of the carpal bones started in the distal row carpal bones. Conclusion: Significant differences were found in hand and wrist shapes according to sex. Models for growth and allometry of hand and wrist shapes were found to be significant in children.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Effects on Diet, Sedentary Lifestyle, and Stress
    (2022-09-01T00:00:00Z) Güney Coşkun, Merve; Öztürk, Rabia İclal; Yabacı Tak, Ayşegül; Şanlıer, Nevin; YABACI TAK, AYŞEGÜL
    Many companies switched to working from home (WFH) after the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper aimed to examine the changes in dietary behavior, body weight, sedentary lifestyle, and stress in individuals who practice WFH. A cross-sectional, web-based questionnaire was administered between March and May 2021 and included socio-demographic characteristics, anthropometric measurements, WFH arrangement, changes in diet, sedentary lifestyle, and stress status. A total of 328 individuals (260 women, 68 men), aged 31.3 ± 8.3 years with a BMI of 24.9 ± 4.6 kg/m2 , participated in the study. The questionnaire revealed that the daily working time increased with WFH. The majority of the individuals (59.1%) gained weight. The average daily sedentary time and the Perceived Stress Scale score increased significantly. The daily sedentary time and Non-Healthy Diet Index scores were higher in individuals who gained weight (p < 0.05). A multinominal regression model revealed that increased body weight was less likely in individuals with underweight and normal BMI classifications. Normal BMI, stable work shifts, and no physical activity were positive predictors for gaining weight. These results suggest that WFH may have significant negative effects on physical and mental status of individuals.