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Anxiety and depression levels and personality traits of mastalgia patients

2014-01-01, Yılmaz, Enver Demirel, Deveci, ERDEM, Kadıoğlu, HÜSEYİN, Gençe, Ali Görkem, Ünal, Özge, Koçer, Emel, KIRPINAR, İSMET, DEVECİ, ERDEM, KADIOĞLU, HÜSEYİN, KIRPINAR, İSMET

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Frontal lobe syndrome due to olfactory groove meningioma: a literature review

2010-09-01T00:00:00Z, Ozan, Erol, Deveci, ERDEM, Kirpinar, Ismet, TEHLI, Ozkan, DEVECİ, ERDEM, KIRPINAR, İSMET

Behavioral syndromes observed with frontal lobe injury involve lesions of the circuits, connecting the frontal lobe to subcortical structures. Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit lesions result in executive function deficits, orbitofrontal circuit lesions result in disinhibition and impulsivity, and abulia (apathy and amotivation) occur with injury to the anterior cingulate circuit. Thirty-nine years-old female patient was evaluated in our outpaient clinic due to experiencing anosmia for the past two years and headache which appeared a few months after this complaint. In addition to these complaints, the patient reported apathy, anhedonia, lack of energy, inability to perform household chores and increased sleep need for the past 1.5 years. Lately, the patient also reported having blurred vision and had an incidence of urinary incontinence during sleep. The clinical presentation was compatible with anterior cingulate syndrome due to a large olfactory groove meningioma. Depending on the data, we were motivated to review the frontal lobe syndrome and meningiomas, especially the ones originating from the olfactory groove. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 11:279-284)

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PublicationOpen Access

Relationship of Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine, Nitric Oxide, and Sustained Attention during Attack in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

2014-01-01, CANPOLAT, Serpil, Kirpinar, Ismet, Deveci, ERDEM, Aksoy, Hulya, BAYRAKTUTAN, Zafer, EREN, Ibrahim, Demir, Recep, Selek, Salih, Aydin, Nazan, KIRPINAR, İSMET, DEVECİ, ERDEM

Abstract We investigated the relationship of serum nitric oxide (NO) and asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels with cognitive functioning in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). 41 MDD patients (Beck depression scale scores>16) and 44 controls were included in the study. Rey verbal learning and memory test, auditory consonant trigram test, digit span test, Wisconsin card sorting test, continuous performance task (TOVA), and Stroop test scores were found to be impaired in patients with major depressive disorder when compared to healthy controls. There was no significant difference between patient and control groups in terms of serum NO and ADMA. Serum NO levels were correlated with TOVA test error scores and Stroop test time scores, whereas serum ADMA levels were negatively correlated with TOVA test error scores. Metabolic detriments especially in relation to NO metabolism in frontal cortex and hypothalamus, psychomotor retardation, or loss of motivation may explain these deficits.

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PublicationOpen Access

Improvement in attention and executive functions during isotretinoin treatment in patients with acne

2013-06-01, Deveci, ERDEM, Ozturk, AHMET, Kirpinar, Ismet, ENGIN, Ragip Ismail, MELIKOGLU, Mehmet, SAKAT, Selcen Caferoglu, DEMIR, Muhammet, CANPOLAT, Serpil, DEVECİ, ERDEM, ÖZTÜRK, AHMET, KIRPINAR, İSMET

Background and Design: We assessed attention, memory, verbal-linguistic ability, and executive functions in acne vulgaris patients before and during isotretinoin treatment.

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Design and evaluation of phased array transducers for deep brain stimulation in nucleus accumbens region of the rat brain

2017-10-31, Ergun, Arif, Kilinc, Mehmet, Aydin, MEHMET, Bozkurt, Ayhan, Deveci, ERDEM, DEVECİ, ERDEM

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Authors- reply: Why we need to formulate the meaning of religious delusions?

2011-01-01T00:00:00Z, Ozan, Erol, ORAL, Meltem, Deveci, ERDEM, Kirpinar, Ismet, DEVECİ, ERDEM

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PublicationOpen Access

Clozapine Treatment and Thrombocytopenia: a Case Report

2014-09-01, Ozturk, AHMET, Deveci, ERDEM, DURSUN, Ali Emre, Soyucok, Etem, Kirpinar, Ismet, DEVECİ, ERDEM, KIRPINAR, İSMET

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Relationship between atypical depression and social anxiety disorder

2015-01-01, KOYUNCU, Ahmet, Ertekin, Erhan, Ertekin, Banu Aslantas, BİNBAY, Zerrin, Yuksel, Cagri, Deveci, ERDEM, Tukel, Rasit, DEVECİ, ERDEM

In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of atypical and non-atypical depression comorbidity on the clinical characteristics and course of social anxiety disorder (SAD). A total of 247 patients with SAD were enrolled: 145 patients with a current depressive episode (unipolar or bipolar) with atypical features, 43 patients with a current depressive episode with non-atypical features and 25 patients without a lifetime history of depressive episodes were compared regarding sociodemographic and clinical features, comorbidity rates, and severity of SAD, depression and functional impairment. Thirty four patients with a past but not current history of major depressive episodes were excluded from the comparisons. 77.1% of current depressive episodes were associated with atypical features. Age at onset of SAD and age at initial major depressive episode were lower in the group with atypical depression than in the group with non-atypical depression. History of suicide attempts and bipolar disorder comorbidity was more common in the atypical depression group as well. Atypical depression group has higher SAD and depression severity and lower functionality than group with non-atypical depression. Our results indicate that the presence of atypical depression is associated with more severe symptoms and more impairment in functioning in patients with SAD. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Neuro cognitive functioning in young high-risk offspring having a parent with bipolar I disorder

2013-01-01, Deveci, ERDEM, Ozan, Erol, Kirpinar, Ismet, ORAL, Meltem, DALOGLU, Ali Gokhan, Aydin, Nazan, Ozturk, AHMET, DEVECİ, ERDEM, KIRPINAR, İSMET, ÖZTÜRK, AHMET

Aim: To investigate attention, memory, verbal-linguistic ability, and executive functions in symptom-free young offspring having a parent with bipolar I disorder (BD1O) in comparison with healthy controls (CO).

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PublicationOpen Access

Development of Hyperprolactinemia Induced by the Addition of Bupropion to Venlafaxine XR Treatment

2018-04-01, KILIÇ, Alperen, Ozturk, AHMET, Deveci, ERDEM, Kirpinar, Ismet, ÖZTÜRK, AHMET, DEVECİ, ERDEM, KIRPINAR, İSMET

Hyperprolactinemia is characterized by abnormally increased serum prolactin levels. Menstrual irregularities and hyperprolactinemia can be caused by a variety of medical conditions as well as due to the use of some psychopharmacological drugs, namely antipsychotics; it can also develop during antidepressant treatment. Bupropion is an antidepressant functioning via the inhibition of noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake. The endocrine and sexual adverse events of this agent are rare. In the literature, only one case reporting hyperprolactinemia or galactorrhea caused by bupropion use is available. Here, we present the case of a patient diagnosed with depressive disorder and receiving venlafaxine, who developed hyperprolactinemia and oligomenorrhea after the addition of bupropion the ongoing treatment and showed serum prolactin levels decreased to normal ranges shortly after the discontinuation of bupropion.