10 - Eşitsizliklerin Azaltılması

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EŞİTSİZLİKLERİN AZALTILMASI Ülkeler içinde ve arasında eşitsizlikleri azaltmak. Gelir eşitsizliği, küresel çözümler isteyen küresel bir sorundur. Çözüm, mali piyasalar ve kurumların düzenlenmesi ve izlenmesini iyileştirmeyi, kalkınma yardımları ve doğrudan yabancı yatırımları en çok ihtiyaç duyulan bölgelere yönlendirmeyi içerir. İnsanların güven içinde göç ve hareket etmesini sağlamak da, büyüyen eşitsizliğin azaltılmasında önemlidir.

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
  • Publication
    Syrian refugees- experiences with mental health services in Turkey: -I felt lonely because I wasn-t able to speak to anyone-
    (2019-10-01T00:00:00Z) DOĞAN, NAREG; Dikec, Gul; Uygun, Ersin; DOĞAN, NAREG
    Purpose This study examined Syrian refugee adults- experiences with mental health services due to a mental complaint. Design and Methods This qualitative study used a phenomenological design. The data were collected in semi-structured focus group interviews between June and August 2018. A total of 24 individuals participated in the study. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi-s method of phenomenological interpretation. Findings Seven themes were identified by thematic analysis of the interviews: (a) difficulties making appointments, (b) difficulties obtaining medicine, (c) personal rights, (d) lack of information, (e) language barrier, (f) discrimination, and (g) confidence versus anxiety. Practice Implications Nurses should be aware of the barriers experienced by refugees that affect the quality and accessibility of psychiatric services.
  • Publication
    Patient satisfaction in outpatient medical care: the case of Iraq
    (2020-08-01T00:00:00Z) Al-Ezzi, Saad Ahmed Ali; AL-EZZI, SAAD AHMED ALİ
    Background:Healthcare providers are increasingly interested in patient satisfaction as an indicator to assess the quality of health services. This study investigates the level of satisfaction among Iraqi patients attending the outpatient (OP) clinic.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study conducted from October to December 2019 among outpatient attendees in two busiestcenters in Iraq. A convenience sample of 235 (response rate of 88.0%) completed the self-administered short-form patient satisfaction questionnaire (PSQ-18). The independent variables included socio-demographic, economic, and self-perceived health status. Data were analyzed in SPSS, where descriptive analysis (mean ± standard deviation) and univariate (independent sample t-test, ANOVA test) and multivariate linear regression -Enter technique- was done at 0.05 level of significance and 95% confidence interval.Results: The mean age of respondents was 39.3 (±14.8). The sample was mostly women (55.3%), and 37.4% in the age group of 30-49 years. More than half of participants residing in the urban regions (54.5%) from families of monthly household income less than 500,000 Iraq Dinars (USD 400). However, the majority (70.6%) have the first visit to the OP clinic, and 53.6% self-perceived health as good or very good. Results of multiple linear regression showed that patients residents in rural regions (B= 5.4 ,P<0.001), married (B= 4.8,P<0.001), unemployed (B= 4.7,P<0.001) and low educated (B= 1.5,P<0.051) exhibited higher service satisfaction score compared to urban residents, single, employed and high educated participants respectively. However, patients aged fifty years and more (B= -2.1,P<0.001) and those with poor health (B=-2.5,P<0.001) exhibited lower service satisfaction scores compared to young age patients and the healthy participants, respectively.Conclusion:The high demand for the use of health resources in metropolitan cities by the rural population indicates inequality in the distribution of health services and an increase in the rural-to-urban displacement.
  • Publication
    Are Students Using Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement More Successful?
    (2021-09-08T00:00:00Z) Sümbül Şekerci, Betül; Bektay, Muhammed Yunus; Bildik, Özlem; İzzettin, Fikret Vehbi; SÜMBÜL ŞEKERCİ, BETÜL; BEKTAY, MUHAMMED YUNUS; BİLDİK, ÖZLEM; İZZETTİN, FIKRET VEHBI
    Introduction: The use of psychostimulant drugs to increase academic success is common among young people, especially medical students. However, the effect of psychostimulants on academic success not clear in the current literature. Materials and Methods: A structured online survey was carried out with 431 undergraduate students in different faculties of Medicine in Turkey. Comparisons between groups, correlation and regression analysis about associated variables were made. The academic performance of the students was evaluated with grade point average (GPA) score. Also, academic success, academic anxiety, study performance, sleep quality and pharmacological knowledge levels were questioned with the scale based on self-evaluations. Results: 23 (5.4%) healthy students reported using psychostimulants to improve academic success. There was no significant difference in age, gender, semester, objective (GPA score) and subjective (self-report) assessment of success between users and non-users. But most of the users evaluated that the psychostimulants are useful. Smoking and increased knowledge level of pharmacology are risk factors for psychostimulant use. Conclusion: We could not find a relationship between academic success and pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Psychostimulant use had an positive effect on self-assessment of students. It can support the hypothesis that the psychostimulants has a motivational contribution rather than a purely pharmacological effect. The relationship of psychostimulants with alcohol and smoking should be examined in detail, and users should be questioned in terms of susceptibility to risky behaviors and addiction.
  • Publication
    (2023-01-01) Tosun Ş.; Mendeş B.; MENDEŞ, BEYZA
  • Publication
    Sağlıkla İlgili Bölümlerde Okuyan Üniversite öğrencilerinin Damgalamaya Maruz Kalan Gruplardaki yüksek Yönelik Bakış Açıları ve Damgalama Eğilimleri
  • Publication
    (2023-06-01) Yalçınkaya Ö.; YALÇINKAYA, ÖZLEM
  • Publication
    Sustainability in Medical Librarianship
    (2024-05-31) Yalçınkaya Ö.; YALÇINKAYA, ÖZLEM
  • Publication
    (2019-12-30T00:00:00Z) Bildik, Özlem; BİLDİK, ÖZLEM
    GÖNÜLLÜ TURİZMİNDE SAĞLIK BAKIM HİZMETLERİ: TIP ETİĞİ PERSPEKTİFİNDEN BİR DEĞERLENDİRMEBir alternatif turizm türü olarak gönüllü turizmine (voluntourism) olan ilgi son yıllarda dünya çapında oldukça artmış durumdadır. Özellikle az gelişmiş ülkelere ve düşük gelirli topluluklara yönelik faaliyetleri içeren gönüllü turizmi kapsamında sağlık bakım hizmetleri de yer almaktadır. Kar amacı gütmeyen sivil toplum kuruluşları bünyesinde ve profesyonel sağlık çalışanları tarafından yapılan gönüllü sağlık bakım hizmetleri hariç tutulacak olursa bu alandaki faaliyetler gönüllü turizmi sektöründe faaliyet gösteren kar amaçlı şirketler tarafından gerçekleştirilmekte ve sağlık profesyonelleri dışındaki kişiler de bu faaliyetlerde gönüllü olabilmektedir. Gönüllülük programlarının hassas ve karmaşık yapısı, özellikle tıbbi gönüllülük söz konusu olduğunda daha da belirgin hale gelmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu faaliyetlere yönelik pek çok açıdan etik sorgulamalar yöneltilmektedir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde, modern tıp etiğinin önemli ve yerleşik kavramları haline gelmiş olan kanıta dayalı uygulama, özerklik ve rıza gibi pek çok kavramın, gelişmekte olan pek çok ülkede önem ve öncelik listesinde genellikle yüksek olmadığı bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sözü edilen kavramlar çerçevesinde gönüllü sağlık bakım hizmetlerinin yapısı irdelenecek, tıp etiği perspektifinden farklı bakış açılarınca getirilen eleştiriler çerçevesinde mevcut durumun tespiti ve ilgili çözüm önerileri ele alınacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Gönüllü Turizmi, sağlık Bakım Hizmetleri, Tıp Etiği
  • Publication
    (2023-02-25) Büyüközer E. T.; Mendeş B.; MENDEŞ, BEYZA
  • Publication
    School Surveys on Alcohol Use in Turkey: Are They Policy Oriented?
    (2015-03-01T00:00:00Z) Ulger, Zekiye; Acar, Ceyda; TORUN, PERİHAN; TORUN, PERİHAN
    Public Health research should aim to influence policies, and therefore researchers should determine the issues and highlight the salient problems and possible solutions in their area of interest. It is suggested that delaying the onset of alcohol consumption among youth has a positive impact on health and social development. This study aims to review existing school surveys with regard to the availability of information which can influence policies, so as to guide future research. A wealth of cross-studies was found on harmful habits including alcohol use conducted among 18-year-old youths and under. Twenty-eight scientific articles and one report met the inclusion criteria and these were reviewed. A prevalence of lifetime drinking was found to range between 4.4% and 65.0%. This literature review emphasizes the importance of well-designed studies on alcohol consumption in this young age group. Temporal and spatial comparisons as well as individual and population level determinants of early-onset and harmful drinking should be explored in order to formulate effective policies for youths.