03 - Sağlık ve Kaliteli Yaşam

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AMAÇ 3: SAĞLIKLI BİREYLER Çocuk ölüm oranlarının azaltılması, anne sağlığının iyileştirilmesi, HIV/AIDS, sıtma ve diğer hastalıklar ile mücadelede büyük aşama kaydetmiş durumdayız. 1990 yılından bu yana, önlenebilir çocuk ölümlerinde dünya genelinde %50’yi aşan azalma olmuştur. Anne ölümleri de dünya genelinde %45 azalmıştır. 2000 ile 2013 arasında HIV/AIDS bulaşma oranı %30 azalmış, 6,2 milyonu aşkın insan sıtmadan kurtarılmıştır. Bu ölümler; önleme ve tedavi, eğitim, aşı kampanyaları, cinsel ve üreme sağlığı hizmetleri vasıtasıyla önlenebilir. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları; AIDS, verem, sıtma ve diğer bulaşıcı hastalık salgınlarını 2030 yılına kadar ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik cesur bir taahhüttür. Amaç, herkesin genel sağlık hizmeti, güvenli ve erişilebilir ilaç ve aşıya kavuşmasını sağlamaktır. Aşı araştırma ve geliştirmelerinin desteklenmesi, bu sürecin vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır.

Publication Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    In Vitro Hormetic Effect Investigation of Thymol on Human Fibroblast and Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells.
    (2020-07-17T00:00:00Z) Günes-Bayir, A; Kocyigit, A; Guler, Eray Metin; Dadak, A; GÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞE; KOÇYİĞİT, ABDÜRRAHİM; GÜLER, ERAY METİN
    The concept of hormesis includes a biphasic cellular dose-response to a xenobiotic stimulus defined by low dose beneficial and high dose inhibitory or toxic effects. In the present study, an attempt has been made to help elucidate the beneficial and detrimental effects of thymol on different cell types by evaluating and comparing the impact of various thymol doses on cancerous (AGS) and healthy (WS-1) cells. Cytotoxic, genotoxic, and apoptotic effects, as well as levels of reactive oxygen species and glutathione were studied in both cell lines exposed to thymol (0-600 mu M) for 24 h. The results showed significant differences in cell viability of AGS compared to WS-1 cells exposed to thymol. The differences observed were statistically significant at all doses applied (P <= 0.001) and revealed hormetic thymol effects on WS-1 cells, whereas toxic effects on AGS cells were detectable at all thymol concentrations. Thymol at low concentrations provides antioxidative protection to WS-1 cells in vitro while already inducing toxic effects in AGS cells. In that sense, the findings of the present study suggest that thymol exerts a dose-dependent hormetic impact on different cell types, thereby providing crucial information for future in vivo studies investigating the therapeutic potential of thymol.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Cytotoxic, genotoxic and apoptotic effects of Viburnum opulus on colon cancer cells: An in vitro study
    (2020-12-01T00:00:00Z) Guler, Eray Metin; Bozali, Kubra; Gulgec, Ahmet Sadik; KOÇYİĞİT, ABDÜRRAHİM; GÜLER, ERAY METİN; KOÇYİĞİT, ABDÜRRAHİM
    © 2020 De Gruyter. All rights reserved.Objective: Intake of various fruits is quite significant for maintaining the human body, due to their supply of useful constituents. V. opulus has been found to have outstanding antioxidant activity while showing a pro-oxidant effect at high doses. Due to this feature, V. opulus would be anticipated to have a healing impact on cancer treatment. In this study, it has been proposed to examine the cytotoxic, genotoxic, and apoptotic effects of V. opulus on human colorectal cancer cell. Method: Different concentrations of V. opulus methanolic extract (5-2000 μg/mL) were incubated for 24 h with colorectal cancer cell line (Lovo). The cell viability, intracellular reactive oxygen species (iROS), DNA damage, and apoptosis were measured after incubation. Results: The obtained results of this research demonstrate decreased cell viability and increased DNA damage, iROS, and apoptosis levels of V. opulus in Lovo cells in a concentration-dependent manner in the range of 14.88- 52.06%. There were strong positive relationships between apoptosis, genotoxicity, and cytotoxicity in V. opulus methanolic extract treated cancer cell line. Discussion: This in vitro research clearly demonstrated that V. opulus methanolic extract induces DNA damage, apoptosis, and cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner in cancer cells due to its pro-oxidant activity. Conclusion: Although in vitro results are favorable, in vivo and further studies are needed.