16 - Barış, Adalet ve Güçlü Kurumlar

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Barış, Adalet ve Güçlü Kurumlar Sürdürülebilir kalkınma için barışçıl ve kapsayıcı toplumlar tesis etmek, herkes için adalete erişimi sağlamak ve her düzeyde etkili, hesap verebilir ve kapsayıcı kurumlar oluşturmak. Barış, istikrar, insan hakları ve hukukun üstünlüğüne dayalı etkin yönetim olmadan, sürdürülebilir kalkınma olmasını bekleyemeyiz. Gittikçe artan ölçüde bölünmüş bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. Bazı bölgelerde barış, güvenlik ve refah sürekli iken, diğer bazı bölgelerde ise bitmek bilmeyen çatışma ve şiddet sarmalı var. Ancak bu, hiçbir şekilde kaçınılmaz sonuç değildir ve mutlaka çözümlenmelidir.

Publication Search Results

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    Are Students Using Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement More Successful?
    (2021-09-08T00:00:00Z) Sümbül Şekerci, Betül; Bektay, Muhammed Yunus; Bildik, Özlem; İzzettin, Fikret Vehbi; SÜMBÜL ŞEKERCİ, BETÜL; BEKTAY, MUHAMMED YUNUS; BİLDİK, ÖZLEM; İZZETTİN, FIKRET VEHBI
    Introduction: The use of psychostimulant drugs to increase academic success is common among young people, especially medical students. However, the effect of psychostimulants on academic success not clear in the current literature. Materials and Methods: A structured online survey was carried out with 431 undergraduate students in different faculties of Medicine in Turkey. Comparisons between groups, correlation and regression analysis about associated variables were made. The academic performance of the students was evaluated with grade point average (GPA) score. Also, academic success, academic anxiety, study performance, sleep quality and pharmacological knowledge levels were questioned with the scale based on self-evaluations. Results: 23 (5.4%) healthy students reported using psychostimulants to improve academic success. There was no significant difference in age, gender, semester, objective (GPA score) and subjective (self-report) assessment of success between users and non-users. But most of the users evaluated that the psychostimulants are useful. Smoking and increased knowledge level of pharmacology are risk factors for psychostimulant use. Conclusion: We could not find a relationship between academic success and pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Psychostimulant use had an positive effect on self-assessment of students. It can support the hypothesis that the psychostimulants has a motivational contribution rather than a purely pharmacological effect. The relationship of psychostimulants with alcohol and smoking should be examined in detail, and users should be questioned in terms of susceptibility to risky behaviors and addiction.
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    Ethical Issues Regarding Investigational Drugs for the Treatment and Prevention of Covid-19
    (2021-12-01T00:00:00Z) Özdinç, Ahmet; Bildik, Özlem; BİLDİK, ÖZLEM
    The challenging COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed the searches for treatment for a disease that had never been known before. Therefore, developing a treatment for the pandemic reflexively has gone beyond the usual methods due to limited time and the urge to benefit the patient. In cases where licensed drugs are insufficient, patients with serious and life-threatening diseases can have access to investigational drugs. These investigational drugs are used within programs such as Compassionate Use (CU) and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) based on certain legal regulations. In terms of clinical and research ethics, it is a must to keep a balance between the necessity for the treatment to be tested for safety and effectiveness and the purpose of benefiting the patient. Such programs that are aimed at treatment are legitimate due to the concessions caused by the urgent need of treatment for a life-threatening disease in the crisis of a pandemic, however, ethical inquiries must be maintained and even increased in such challenging periods especially because of the need for rapid decision-making and information update. The ethical dilemmas that investigational drugs create have become more apparent, especially in this time of pandemic we are facing. The use of drugs within CU and EUA has ethical challenges. In our study, these challenges are discussed on the basis of beneficence, non-maleficence and justice, which are the basic principles of medical ethics. Regarding this basis, pharmaceutical industry, health authorities and physicians have a great responsibility.
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    Voluntourism: Gönüllülük mü, Turizm mi?
    (2020-04-01T00:00:00Z) Bildik, Özlem; BİLDİK, ÖZLEM
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    Attitudes of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry Students about Psychostimulant Use to Enhance Cognition
    (2021-07-01T00:00:00Z) Sümbül Şekerci, Betül; Bildik, Özlem; Bektay, Muhammed Yunus; İzzettin, Fikret Vehbi; SÜMBÜL ŞEKERCİ, BETÜL; BİLDİK, ÖZLEM; BEKTAY, MUHAMMED YUNUS; İZZETTİN, FIKRET VEHBI