04 - Nitelikli Eğitim

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Nitelikli Eğitim Kapsayıcı ve hakkaniyete dayanan nitelikli eğitimi sağlamak ve herkes için yaşam boyu öğrenim fırsatlarını teşvik etmek. Herkes için kapsayıcı ve nitelikli eğitimin başarılması, eğitimin sürdürülebilir kalkınma için en güçlü ve denenmiş araçlardan biri olduğuna dair inancı yeniden vurguluyor. Bu hedef, 2030 yılına kadar tüm kız ve erkek çocuklarının ücretsiz ilköğretim ve ortaöğretimi tamamlamasını sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca, uygun maliyetli mesleki eğitime eşit erişim sağlamayı, cinsiyet ve varlık eşitsizliklerini ortadan kaldırmayı, nitelikli yükseköğretime herkesin erişmesini sağlamayı da hedefliyor.

Publication Search Results

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Sustainability in Medical Librarianship

2024-05-31, Yalçınkaya Ö., YALÇINKAYA, ÖZLEM

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PublicationOpen Access

Relationship between emotional intelligence and disaster response self-efficacy: A comparative study in nurses

2023-08-01, Kuday A. D., Erdoğan Ö., ERDOĞAN, ÖZCAN

Background: Nurses who constitute an important part of the health system play a critical role in all stages of disaster management, especially in providing care for disaster victims. It is essential for nurses to have adequate education and qualifications to reduce disaster-related mortality and morbidity rates in the community. The qualifications of nurses depend not only on their knowledge and skills but also on their emotional abilities such as empathy and stress management. Emotions can impact individuals' levels of self-efficacy in disaster response, and it may help explain the differences in self-efficacy among nurses. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and disaster response self-efficacy, and compare the scores between hospital nurses and National Medical Rescue Team nurses. Design: A cross-sectional design. Settings: This research was conducted at Bezmialem Foundation University Hospital and National Medical Rescue Team in Istanbul, Turkey. Participants: This study included 565 nurses from two different institutions. Methods: A survey consisting of the Demographic Information Form, the Modified Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale, and the Disaster Response Self-Efficacy Scale was administered to the nurses. The data collected from March to April of 2022 was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 program. The differences and relationships among variables were determined by using Chi-square tests, student's t-tests, Pearson correlation, and linear regression analyses. Results: Of the 565 participants, 219 (38.8%) were hospital nurses and 346 (61.2%) were NMRT nurses. NMRT nurses scored significantly higher in emotional intelligence (131.45 ± 6.15 versus 129.75 ± 6.01) and disaster response self-efficacy (80.71 ± 11.38 versus 77.77 ± 11.33) than hospital nurses (p < 0.05). In addition, emotional intelligence was found to be significantly and positively correlated to disaster response self-efficacy (r = 0.885, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The emotional intelligence and disaster response self-efficacy were positively correlated, and both levels of NMRT nurses higher than hospital nurses. These findings suggest that healthcare organizations should take the emotional intelligence of nurses as an important means to improve their disaster response selfefficacy. It can improve the quality of disaster response to obtain well self-efficacy by developing the emotional intelligence of nurses.

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PublicationOpen Access

Psychometric evaluation of the child oral impacts on daily performances (C-OIDP) for use in Turkish primary school children: a cross sectional validation study

2020-06-01T00:00:00Z, Peker, Kadriye, EDEN, ECE, AK, ASLI TOPALOĞLU, UYSAL, ÖMER, Bermek, Gulcin, UYSAL, ÖMER

Background As patient-reported outcome, the Child Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (C-OIDP) has been commonly used for assessing children-s oral health needs in order to facilitate oral health service planning. It was translated and cross-culturally adapted into Turkish in 2008. Since then, there is no study to assess its psychometric properties in Turkish child population. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Turkish version of the C-OIDP for use in Turkish primary school children. Methods The Turkish translated version was tested on a convenience sample of primary school children aged 11 to 12 years attending two public schools in Istanbul. Data were collected by clinical examinations, face-to-face interviews and self-completed questionnaires. The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, construct validity using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), criterion related validity (concurrent and discriminant) were evaluated. Results A total of 208 children were subjected to the tested the C-OIDP. Overall, 93.7% of them reported at least one oral impact in the last 3 months. The most frequently affected performances were -eating- (72.1%) and -cleaning mouth-, while the performance with the lowest impact was -studying- (13%). The internal consistency and reproducibility of the C-OIDP were acceptable, with a Cronbach-s alpha of 0.73 and an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.83. The EFA yielded a two-factor model termed -functional limitation- and -psychosocial limitation-. CFA identified the two- factor model which fit the data better than the previously proposed three-factor model, namely physical, psychological and social health. Having malocclusion, the presence of gum disease, reported history of oral problems in the mouth, dissatisfaction with oral health, bad self-rated oral health and having a problem-oriented pattern of dental attendance were found to be the most important factors related to worse oral health- related quality of life, supporting its criterion-related validity. Conclusion This study provided preliminary evidence the psychometric properties of the C-OIDP index among Turkish school children aged 11-12 years. It may be applied to evaluate the oral health impact on quality of life in this population.

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Preparation of poly(oxanorbornene) based single and double-folding polymers via nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction

2024-01-01, Alkan B., Temel B., Temel İ. G., Durmaz H., TEMEL, BİNNUR

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Suda Boğulmalar ve Çeken (Rip) Akıntı Ulusal Çalıştayı Sonuç Kitabı

2021-12-01T00:00:00Z, Erdoğan, Özcan, ERDOĞAN, ÖZCAN

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Comparison of scoring systems used in acute pancreatitis for predicting major adverse events.

2020-01-07T00:00:00Z, Taşlıdere, B, Biberci, Keskin, Şentürk, H, İnce, ALİ TÜZÜN, Gülen, B, BİBERCİ KESKİN, ELMAS, TAŞLIDERE, BAHADIR, KOÇHAN, KORAY, İNCE, ALİ TÜZÜN, ŞENTÜRK, HAKAN

OBJECTIVES:Timely identification of patients with acute pancreatitis who are likely to have a severe disease course is critical. Based on that, many scoring systems have been developed throughout the years. Although many of them are currently in use, none of them has been proven to be ideal. In this study, we aimed to compare the discriminatory power of relatively newer risk scores with the historical ones for predicting in-hospital major adverse events, 30-day mortality and 30-day readmission rate.PATIENTS AND METHODS:Patients who had been admitted due to acute pancreatitis were retrospectively investigated. Five risk scoring systems including HAPS, Ranson, BISAP, Glasgow, and JSS were calculated using the data of the first 24h of admission. Predictive accuracy of each scoring system was calculated using the area under the receiver-operating curve method.RESULTS:Overall 690 patients were included in the study. In-hospital major adverse events were observed in 139 (20.1%) patients of whom, 19 (2.5%) died during hospitalization. 30-day all-cause mortality and 30-day readmission were observed in 22 (3.2%) and 27 (3.9%) patients respectively. Negative predictive value of each score was markedly higher compared to positive predictive values. Among all, JSS scoring system showed the highest AUC values across all end-points (0.80 for in-hospital major adverse events; 0.94 for in-hospital mortality; 0.91 for 30-day mortality). However, all five scoring systems failed to predict 30-day readmission.DISCUSSION:JSS was the best classifier among all five risk scoring systems particularly owing to its high sensitivity and negative predictive value

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Depresyonda erişkin dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu ile durumluk ve sürekli anksiyetenin ilişkisi

2021-12-03T00:00:00Z, Kılıç, Özge, Boylu, Muhammed Emin, KILIÇ, ÖZGE, BOYLU, MUHAMMED EMİN

Amaç: Komorbid bozukluklar erişkin dönemde dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğunun (DEHB) görünümünü etkileyebilir. Klinikçalışmalarda DEHB tanısı konan bireylerde en sık eş tanılar depresif bozukluklar ve anksiyete bozukluklarıdır [1]. Depresyon tanılıhastalarda ise DEHB sıklığı % 9.4 olarak gösterilmiştir [2]. Sürekli anksiyete, DEHB belirti şiddeti ile işlevsel bozulma arasındaki ilişkiyearacılık etmektedir [3]. Bu çalışmanın amacı depresyon hastalarında DEHB’nun durumluk ve sürekli anksiyeteyle ilişkisininincelenmesidir.Metod: Bir üniversite hastanesi psikiyatri polikliniğinde değerlendirilen, Mental Bozuklukların Tanımsal ve Sayısal El Kitabı TanıÖlçütleri 5. Baskısına (DSM-5) göre depresyon tanısı alan, anksiyete bozukluğu eş tanısı olmayan hastalar çalışmaya alındı. Hastalarerişkin dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu özbildirim ölçeği (ASRS v1.1) DSM-5 DEHB tarama ölçeği (ASRS-5), durumluk vesürekli anksiyete (STAI-I, STAI-II) ve Beck depresyon özbildirim ölçeklerini doldurdu. Araştırma için üniversite girişimsel olmayanaraştırmalar etik kurulundan onay alındı. Çalışma Helsinki Deklarasyonu-na uygun şekilde yürütüldü. Tüm katılımcılar, çalışmanın amacıve içeriği anlatıldıktan sonra yazılı ve aydınlatılmış onam verdi.Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan depresyon tanılı 38 hastanın (29 kadın, 9 erkek) yaş ortalaması 30.2 ± 11.2’ydi. 11’i (%29) evli, 27’si (%71)bekardı. 26’sının (%68.4) eğitim düzeyi üniversite ve üstündeydi. 13’ü (%34.2) öğrenci, 12’si (%31.6) çalışan, 12’si (%31.6) çalışmayanbireylerdi, bir kişi (%2.6) emekliydi. 25 kişinin (%65.8) maddi durumu orta düzeydeydi. 16 kişi (%42) sigara kullanmaktaydı. HemASRS-5 (p=0.047, r=0.33), hem ASRS v1.1 (p=0.004, r=0.46) sürekli anksiyeteyle pozitif yönde ilişkiliydi. ASRS v1.1 durumlukanksiyeteyle pozitif yönde ilişkili bulunmuşken (p=0.002, r=0.48), ASRS-5 ile durumluk anksiyete arasında ilişki bulunamadı (p=0.071 ,r=0.30).Tartışma ve Sonuç: Bu çalışmada depresyon tanılı erişkin hastalarda DEHB taramasında kullanılan iki ölçeğin durumluk ve süreklianksiyete ile ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Hem ASRS-5 hem ASRS v1.1. sürekli anksiyeteyle pozitif yönde ilişkiliyken, ASRS v1.1 durumlukanksiyeteyle pozitif yönde ilişkili bulunmuş, ASRS-5’le durumluk anksiyete arasında ilişki bulunamamıştır. Bulgularımız, depresyonhastalarında anksiyeteli depresyonun, anksiyetesiz depresyona kıyasla ASRS v1.1. puanlarıyla daha fazla ilişkili olduğunu gösterençalışmayla uyumludur [4]. Yeni ve geniş örneklemli bir klinik çalışmada da ASRS v1.1’le ölçülen özbildirim DEHB puanlarının Beckdepresyon puanlarıyla pozitif ilişkili olduğu ortaya konmuş, depresyon puanları düştükçe, DEHB olarak pozitif taranan hasta sayısının dadüştüğü gösterilmiştir [5]. Depresyon tanılı hastalarda ASRS-v1.1’ in DSM-IV’e göre ve klinik görüşme ile konulan tam sendrom DEHBtanısı için % 60 duyarlılık, % 68.6 özgüllük; % 21.4 pozitif tahmin değeri, % 92.3 negatif tahmin değeri ortaya konmuştır. Depresyonhastalarında DEHB tarandığında negatif sonuç alınmasının DEHB’nun bulunmadığını güçlü şekilde ortaya koyabildiği, ancak taramasonucu pozitifse bu pozitifliğin depresyondan mı DEHB’ndan mı kaynaklandığının incelenmesi gerektiği şeklinde yorumlanmıştır [4].Erişkin depresyon hastalarında, DEHB eştanısı araştırılırken durumlarda anksiyetenin de DEHB tarama ölçek puanlarını etkileyebileceğigöz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Durumluk anksiyetesi yüksek olan depresyon hastalarında DEHB taranması için, ASRS-5 ölçeği ASRSv1.1’e göre daha uygun olabilir.

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Kültürel Mirasın Taşıyıcıları Bağlamında Kitap Dışı Materyaller: Bezmiâlem Vakıf Üniversitesi Koleksiyonu Örneği

2022-05-28T00:00:00Z, Yalçınkaya, Özlem, YALÇINKAYA, ÖZLEM

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A Catalyst for Social Economy: Society 5.0

2023-02-01, Toker K., TOKER, KEREM

As our planet moves towards the middle of the 21st century, it faces a dizzying digital transformation process. This transformation brings along with it unique and innovative solutions to numerous social, organizational, and managerial issues. The most tangible of these solutions so far is the vision of Society 5.0 announced by the Japanese government in 2016. Within this scope, the purpose of this chapter is to develop conceptual insight into the reasons for the emergence, components, and goals of Society 5.0. Up-to-date research and current reports on the topic have been examined in this context, and a conceptual framework is formed. The findings show that many digital tools of Society 5.0 are already used in economies, but policymakers discuss these tools’ human-centered reuse. As a result, a positive futuristic perspective has been drawn that humanity will continue its life on a more habitable planet for decades to come and unite digital and physical space. Keywords: Society 5.0, Social Economy, Digital Transformation

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2023-06-01, Yalçınkaya Ö., YALÇINKAYA, ÖZLEM