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This site is Bezmialem Vakif University Academic Open Access System. The system was established in June 2019 in order to store the academic outcomes of Bezmialem Vakif University in digital standards and to provide them with open access. OpenAccess includes academic outputs such as articles, presentations, dissertations, books, book chapters and reports produced by Bezmialem Vakif University.

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Recent Submissions

Long-Term Disease Course of Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 10.
(2024-06-06) Guler S.; Aslanger A. D.; Uygur Sahin T.; Alkan A.; Yalcinkaya C.; Saltik S.; Yesil G.; ALKAN, ALPAY
Stres maruziyeti sonrası uygulanan timokinon tedavisinin sıçanlarda öğrenme ve bellek üzerindeki etkisinin nmda reseptörleri ile ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi / Evaluation of the effect of thymoquinone treatment applied after stress exposure on learning and memory in rats and its relationship with nmda receptors
(2023) ALTUNTAŞ, Eda; ÜSTÜNOVA, Savaş
Modern çağın hastalığı olarak nitelendirilen stres, hayata devam edebilme şansını arttırmak amacıyla birçok vücut sisteminin uyumunu içeren bir tepkidir. N-Metil D- Aspartat (NMDA) reseptörleri, öğrenme ve bellek süreçlerinde kritik bir rol oynar. Stres, bu reseptörlerin işleyişini etkileyerek öğrenme ve bellek yeteneklerimizi etkileyebilir. Timokinon, Nigella sativa bitkisinden elde edilen ve nöroprotektif özelliklere sahip bir bileşendir. Bu çalışma, stresin beyin üzerindeki etkilerini ve timokinonun bu etkileri nasıl modüle ettiğini, öğrenme ve bellek üzerindeki olası iyileştirici etkilerini anlamayı hedeflemektedir. Çalışmada 28 adet erkek Wistar albino sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar kontrol, timokinon, stres ve timokinon tedavisi uygulanan stres grupları olmak üzere 4 gruba ayrıldı. Deneyde, sıçanların anksiyete düzeylerini ve öğrenme-bellek kapasitelerini değerlendirmek için açık alan testi, yükseltilmiş artı labirent testi, pasif sakınma testi ve Morris su labirenti testi uygulandı. Açık alan ve yükseltilmiş labirent testlerinde, timokinon tedavisi uygulanan sıçanların anksiyete düzeylerinde belirgin bir azalma gözlemlendi (p<0.05). Morris su labirenti testlerinde, hayvanların platformu bulma süreleri incelendiğinde timokinon tedavisi uygulanan sıçanlar, stres altında olmayan kontrollere kıyasla daha iyi bellek performansı gösterdi (p<0.01). Çalışmada ayrıca hipokampus dokusu homojenatı örneklerinde NMDA, beyin kaynaklı nörotrofik faktör (BDNF), gama aminobütirik Asit (GABA) ve katalaz (CAT) seviyeleri, serum örneklerinde ise kortizol, epinefrin düzeyleri doku ve kan örneklerinde ortak olarak CAT ve MDA ELISA yöntemi ile ölçüldü. Kortizol seviyerinin ölçümlerinde stres grubuna kıyasla timokinon grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p<0.05) artma, serum epinefrin ve CAT düzeylerinde ise stres grubuna kıyasla stres+timokinon grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p<0.05) bir artış tespit edilmiştir. Doku homejenatı örneklerinde BDNF, NMDA, GABA ve CAT düzeyleri ölçümlerinde stres grubuna kıyasla stres+timokinon grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p<0.01) bir artış, SOD ve NMDA ölçümlerinde ise stres grubuna kıyasla timokinon grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p<0.05) artma tespit edildi. Bu bulgular, timokinonun özellikle NMDA reseptörleri üzerinden etki ederek öğrenme ve belleği iyileştirdiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, stresin öğrenme ve bellek üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerinin, timokinon tedavisiyle hafifletilebileceğini aynı zamanda nörolojik bozuklukların tedavisinde timokinonun potansiyel kullanımını işaret etmektedir.
Cutaneous necrosis following endovascular embolization by using ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer for arterio-venous malformations
(2024-02-01) EVİN N.; VURAL Y.; Ergün S. S.; EVİN, NUH; VURAL, YASİR; ERGÜN, SELMA
Assessment of drug-induced electrolyte disorders in intensive care units: a multicenter observational study
Objective: Electrolyte disorder (ED) is frequently encountered critically ill patients during admission or admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). This study aimed to determine the frequency of ED encountered in ICU patients to evaluate the relationship of ED with drugs. Methods: This prospective, multicenter study was conducted in the medical and anesthesiology ICUs of two training and research hospitals and included patients with at least one ED during admission or hospitalization in the ICUs. The relationship between ED and the drug was evaluated by calculating the logistic probabilistic method scale (LPMS) and the expert panel’s evaluation. The correlation between EDs and LPMS was determined using Kendal tau. A binary logistic regression model was preferred in the analysis of factors related to ED. Statistical significance was set as p < 0.05. Results: A total of 117 patients were included in the study. A total of 165 EDs were detected, including at least one in 88 (75.2%) patients. According to the expert panel, 61 (21.7%) of EDs were drug-related, whereas according to the LPMS, 111 (39.6%) (p < 0.001). Mortality (50% vs. 13.7%) and mechanical ventilation rates (52.2% vs. 17.2%) were significantly higher in patients with ED (p < 0.001). Patients with ED had 8.352 times higher odds of exhibiting mortality (OR: 8.352, %95 CI: 1.598–43.648, p: 0.012) and need mechanical ventilation with higher odds of 3.229 (OR: 3.229 95% CI: 0.815–12.787 p: 0.045). Patient who required enteral or parenteral feeding were associated with an increased likelihood of exhibiting ED (respectively OR: 30.057, %95 CI: 2.265–398.892, p: 0.01, OR: 5.537, %95 CI: 1.406–21.800, p: 0.014). Conclusion: EDs are very common in the ICU. Dysnatremia was detected more commonly in other EDs. It has also been found that patients with ED are more often under mechanical ventilation, have more prolonged hospitalizations, and have higher mortality rates than patients without ED. The suitability of LPMS for assessing ED-drug relationships in the ICU context is questioned.
Harnessing autophagy: A potential breakthrough in digestive disease treatment
(2024-06-01) Eşrefoğlu M.; EŞREFOĞLU, MUKADDES
Autophagy, a conserved cellular degradation process, is crucial for variouscellular processes such as immune responses, inflammation, metabolic andoxidative stress adaptation, cell proliferation, development, and tissue repair andremodeling. Dysregulation of autophagy is suspected in numerous diseases,including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, digestive disorders, metabolicsyndromes, and infectious and inflammatory diseases. If autophagy is disrupted,for example, this can have serious consequences and lead to chronic inflammationand tissue damage, as occurs in diseases such as Chron\"s disease and ulcerativecolitis. On the other hand, the influence of autophagy on the development andprogression of cancer is not clear. Autophagy can both suppress and promote theprogression and metastasis of cancer at various stages. From inflammatory boweldiseases to gastrointestinal cancer, researchers are discovering the intricate role ofautophagy in maintaining gut health and its potential as a therapeutic target.Researchers should carefully consider the nature and progression of diseases suchas cancer when trying to determine whether inhibiting or stimulating autophagyis likely to be beneficial. Multidisciplinary approaches that combine cutting-edgeresearch with clinical expertise are key to unlocking the full therapeutic potentialof autophagy in digestive diseases

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