Pentoxifylline in the treatment of neonatal vasospasm and thromboembolism: An observational case series study

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Bayraktar, Suleyman
Tanyeri-Bayraktar, Bilge

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What is known and objective Newborns, particularly preterm babies, are prone to vascular vasospasm and thromboembolism. Differences in the haemostatic system, small vessel diameter and presence of any serious diseases are predisposing causes of thromboembolic disease in newborns. The lack of randomized controlled studies on the management of vasospasm and thromboembolism exacerbates the problem. We present a case series of the successful and safe use of PTX for the treatment of vasospasm and thrombosis in neonates. Methods The study was conducted in the Bezmialem Vakif University Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). A retrospective chart review was performed on consecutive patients treated for vascular spasm and thrombosis. Nine patients diagnosed with vasospasm or thrombosis were enrolled in the study. Results Five patients had arterial injuries. Six patients were premature, and five patients were diagnosed with thrombosis by using Doppler ultrasonography (US). The drug was diluted with 5% dextrose and administered intravenously at a dose of 5 mg/kg/h over six hours, ranging from 1 to 5 days. No drug-related side effects were observed. All babies recovered, and no amputation was performed. What is new and conclusion PTX may be an alternative treatment for vascular vasospasm and thromboembolism with fewer side effects than anticoagulant and thrombolytic agents in neonates. Starting PTX in the early stages of vascular insult may prevent the development of vasospasm and thromboembolism and thus limb ischaemia.




Bayraktar S., Tanyeri-Bayraktar B., -Pentoxifylline in the treatment of neonatal vasospasm and thromboembolism: An observational case series study-, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY AND THERAPEUTICS, 2021
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