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    Skin findings of dialysis patients with chronic renal failure in Afyonkarahisar and surrounding area
    (2012-12-01T00:00:00Z) Guder, SEMİH; Karaca, Semsettin; Kulac, Mustafa; Yuksel, Seref; Guder, Husna; GUDER, SEMİH
    Background and Design: To evaluate the prevalence of skin changes in patient with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis.
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    The state of occupational dermatoses in Turkey
    (2018-01-01T00:00:00Z) MELİKOĞLU, Mehmet; Guder, SEMİH; Topal, Ilteris Oguz; GUDER, SEMİH
    Due to the difficulties in diagnosing occupational diseases and deficiencies in statistical data, occupational diseases are underreported in Turkey. The average number of records in our country is around 10, when at least 100.000 new occupational skin diseases need to be diagnosed annually. This is due to the shortcomings in the diagnosis and notification of the occupational diseases in our country. In this article, we analyzed occupational skin diseases and their International Classification of Diseases codes, and how they are diagnosed medically and legally, and the difficulties in diagnosing these diseases. The article emphasizes that the dermatologists should be trained in occupational diseases and occupational health codes in order to improve diagnosing and reporting occupational diseases.
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    Evaluation of trace elements, calcium, and magnesium levels in the plasma and erythrocytes of patients with essential hyperhidrosis
    (2011-09-01T00:00:00Z) Guder, Husna; Karaca, Semsettin; Cemek, Mustafa; Kulac, Mustafa; Guder, SEMİH; GUDER, SEMİH
    Background Essential hyperhidrosis is a disease that expresses itself with excessive sweating in palmar, plantar, axillary, and craniofacial regions. The etiopathogenesis of the disease, which has particular importance because of leading to psychosocial morbidity, could have not been completely elucidated. In previous studies, it has been shown that oxidative stress might play a role in the pathogenesis.