Sönmez, FatihBasoglu, AdilAltürk, SümeyyeAvcı, DavutTamer, ÖmerÖztürk, DilekDege, NecmiZengin Kurt, BelmaAtalay, Yusuf2019-10-052019-10-052019-01-01Avcı D., Altürk S., Sönmez F., Tamer Ö., Basoglu A., Atalay Y., Zengin Kurt B., Öztürk D., Dege N., -A new dinuclear copper (II) complex of 2,5– Furandicarboxyclic acid with 4(5)-Methylimidazole as a high potential ?-glucosidase inhibitor: Synthesis, Crystal structure, Cytotoxicity study, and TD/DFT calculations-, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, cilt.33, ss.4725, 2019https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/8997enA new dinuclear copper (II) complex of 2,5– Furandicarboxyclic acid with 4(5)-Methylimidazole as a high potential ?-glucosidase inhibitor: Synthesis, Crystal structure, Cytotoxicity study, and TD/DFT calculationsArticle