Sari L.YILMAZ T. F.Oz I. I.2024-01-302024-01-302023-12-27Sari L., YILMAZ T. F., Oz I. I., "Radiological evaluation of middle meningeal artery by 3D rotational angiography", INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY, 20231591-0199 This study aimed to evaluate the topographic features and branches of the middle meningeal artery (MMA) by three-dimensional rotational angiography (3DRA) and describe its variations\" radiological classification based on previous clinical examples of cadaver studies and literature.Methods: We consecutively evaluated 87 cerebral hemispheres, including 32 females and 49 right sides between May 2020 and December 2021 who had undergone unilateral or bilateral cerebral and carotid artery 3D rotational angiography imaging by CCA injection and between 18 and 76-years-old. Maximum intensity projection images with 10-30 mm slice thickness were used for the morphological evaluations and measurements of MMA and its foramen, canal, and branches.Results: The diameters of the common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, and external carotid artery were significantly smaller in females than in men (p = 0.021, 0.021, and <0.001, respectively). According to the branching pattern, the most common pattern of the MMA was Type Ia (49.4%). The ophthalmic artery completely originated from MMA in the 1 (1.1%) cerebral hemisphere. The MMA arises from the ophthalmic artery in 2 cerebral hemispheres (2.3%), and the ophthalmic artery and maxillary artery in 2 cerebral hemispheres (2.3%).Conclusion: It was observed that the branching pattern may show differences when compared to the cadaver studies with a radiologic evaluation withıpDahili Tıp BilimleriNörolojiNükleer TıpSağlık BilimleriMedicineInternal Medicine SciencesNeurologyNuclear medicineHealth SciencesKLİNİK NÖROLOJİKlinik TıpKlinik Tıp (MED)RADYOLOJİ, NÜKLEER TIP ve MEDİKAL GÖRÜNTÜLEMECLINICAL NEUROLOGYCLINICAL MEDICINEClinical Medicine (MED)RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGINGRadyoloji ve Ultrason TeknolojisiRadyoloji, Nükleer Tıp ve GörüntülemeNöroloji (klinik)Yaşam BilimleriRadiological and Ultrasound TechnologyRadiology, Nuclear Medicine and ImagingNeurology (clinical)Life SciencesRadiological evaluation of middle meningeal artery by 3D rotational angiographyarticleWOS:0011342817000018518120723610.1177/1591019923122266638151036