Ilgen Uslu, FerdaSimsek Erdem, Nazan2019-12-312019-12-312019-01-01Ilgen Uslu F., Simsek Erdem N., -Permanent pain and brachial plexus injury after coronary bypass grafting: Case report and reviwing the literature-, Agri, cilt.31, ss.42-45, 2019 complications of cardiac surgery is known for almost a century. Brachial plexus injury after coronary artery bypass grafting is not a rare complication, but the frequency of reporting is less because these are temporary and often symptoms requiring treatment. in a few cases peripheral neuropathy findings are permanent and causes of disability. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, imaging and electrophysiological studies and it is important that both treatments for both medical and legal liability. Here in 63-year-old male patient was diagnosed brachial plexus injury lasting neuropathic pain the left upper limb after uneventful coronary artery bypass surgery presented and causes and consequences were discussed with literature.Permanent pain and brachial plexus injury after coronary bypass grafting: Case report and reviwing the literatureArticle