BAŞEL, HALİLAYDIN, CEMALETTİNAY, YASİNİNAN, BEKİRTeker, Melike elifTÜRKKOLU, ŞEVKET TUNAZALLOUM, Raed njZEYBEK, RAHMİ2020-12-062020-12-062012-11-08BAŞEL H., AYDIN C., AY Y., İNAN B., Teker M. e. , TÜRKKOLU Ş. T. , ZALLOUM R. n. , ZEYBEK R., -Transposition of the great arteries,secundum atrial septal defect,and dextrocardia with systemic cardiac valve insufficiency.-, TKDCD 12.ULUSAL KONGRESİ, Türkiye, 8 - 11 Kasım 2012 of the great arteries,secundum atrial septal defect,and dextrocardia with systemic cardiac valve insufficiency.Conference Paper3498171