Isik, TurgayAyhan, ErkanUyarel, HuseyinErgelen, MehmetTanboga, Ibrahim HalilKurt, MustafaKorkmaz, Ali FuatKaya, AhmetAksakal, EnbiyaSEVİMLİ, Serdar2020-10-222020-10-222012-07-01Isik T., Ayhan E., Uyarel H., Ergelen M., Tanboga I. H. , Kurt M., Korkmaz A. F. , Kaya A., Aksakal E., SEVİMLİ S., -Increased mean platelet volume associated with extent of slow coronary flow-, CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL, cilt.19, ss.355-362, 2012 Slow coronary flow (SCF) is characterized by delayed opacification of epicardial coronary vessels. SCF can cause ischemia and sudden cardiac death. We investigated the association between presence and extent of SCF, and cardiovascular risk factors and hematologic indices.cardiologyIncreased mean platelet volume associated with extent of slow coronary flowArticleWOS:0003090360000048486404727010.5603/cj.2012.0065