DOĞAN DEMİR, AYŞEGÜLERENBERK, UFUKÖZGEN, İLKER TOLGAÖZKAYA, EMİNVEHAPOĞLU TÜRKMEN, AYSELDÜNDARÖZ, MEHMET RUŞENEREL, ÖZCAN2019-10-052019-10-052014-01-01DOĞAN DEMİR A., ERENBERK U., ÖZGEN İ. T. , ÖZKAYA E., VEHAPOĞLU TÜRKMEN A., DÜNDARÖZ M. R. , EREL Ö., -Total antioxidant and oxidant status in obese children without insulin resistance-, Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tıp Dergisi, cilt.41, ss.257-261, 2014 antioxidant and oxidant status in obese children without insulin resistanceArticle278194510.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0412ISSN: 1300-2945 / 1308-9889ISSN: 1300-2945 / 1308-9889trdizin