Alkan, BANU ARZUAral, Cuneyt AsimAral, KubraACER, NİYAZİSisman, Yildiray2019-12-292019-12-292016-09-01Alkan B. A. , Aral C. A. , Aral K., ACER N., Sisman Y., -Quantification of circumferential bone level and extraction socket dimensions using different imaging and estimation methods: a comparative study-, ORAL RADIOLOGY, cilt.32, ss.145-153, 2016 studies have yet evaluated linear alveolar bone levels and extraction socket dimensions on dry skulls using different techniques. We aimed to investigate the accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), digital radiography, and digital photography.Quantification of circumferential bone level and extraction socket dimensions using different imaging and estimation methods: a comparative studyArticleWOS:0003828517000018494168661610.1007/s11282-015-0225-5