Taşlıdere, BahadırGünenç, Nur Dilara2021-07-122021-07-122021-07-04http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/29049In this study, it was aimed to determine the use of personal protective equipment and the level of knowledge of healthcare professionals working in hospitals, especially in risky areas, in a possible chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incident. In this way, it is aimed to ensure that the healthcare personnel who intervene in the CBRN incident are ready consciously and effectively. A total of 270 people, 150 women, and 120 men, participated in the study. In the study, it was observed that whether the participants were male or female, their knowledge level of protection against CBRN danger did not significantly affect. 40 of these participants (14.8%) are healthcare technicians, 161 (59.6%) are nurses and 69 (25.6%) are doctors. Considering the occupational difference, the knowledge level of the participants who are nurses against CBRN danger was found to be significantly lower than the participants who were healthcare technicians and doctors. Considering the geopolitical position of our country, it is essential to know CBRN issues well and to intervene appropriately. Health personnel who will perform such an important intervention must first ensure their safety. In the study, it was found that the knowledge levels of the participants who knew the expansion of the CBRN expression were significantly higher than the participants who did not know the expression of CBRN against the risk of CBRN. The spectrum of CBRN threats is wide. There may be deaths, injuries, psychosocial impacts, damage to economic assets, environmental damage, and submissive and threatening approaches to political issues. To be protected against various threats such as chemical threats, bacteria that cause disease, viruses that cause pandemics, radiological threats, nuclear weapons, radiation spreading around, it is necessary to obtain detailed information about the subject first. In the study, it was determined that the protection knowledge level of the participants who received CBRN training against CBRN danger was significantly higher than the participants who did not receive CBRN training. First things to do in a CBRN event; to protect oneself and the injured from the harmful effects of CBRN agents, to be able to perform appropriate triage, to apply first aid and decontamination methods, to identify and diagnose the agent used, to carry out advanced diagnosis and treatment procedures. Comprehensive knowledge of CBRN agents is required to be prepared against CBRN agents at all times and to be able to manage the situation correctly when the event occurs.Taşlıdere B., Günenç N. D. , -INVESTIGATION OF PERSONAL PROTECTION KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF PERSONNEL WORKING IN RISKY UNITS OF THE HOSPITAL AGAINST CBRN HAZARD-, IV. International Conference on Empirical Economics and Social Science (e-ICEESS’21), Balıkesir, Türkiye, 3 - 04 Temmuz 2021, ss.16-17INVESTIGATION OF PERSONAL PROTECTION KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF PERSONNEL WORKING IN RISKY UNITS OF THE HOSPITAL AGAINST CBRN HAZARDConference Paper