AY, YASİNKARA, İBRAHİMAYDIN, CEMALETTİNKAHRAMAN AY, NurayİNAN, BEKİRBasel, HalilZEYBEK, RAHMİ2020-10-222020-10-222013-04-01AY Y., KARA İ., AYDIN C., KAHRAMAN AY N., İNAN B., Basel H., ZEYBEK R., -Comparison of the Health Related Quality of Life of Patients Following Mitral Valve Surgical Procedures in the 6-Months Follow-up: A Prospective Study-, ANNALS OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, cilt.19, ss.113-119, 2013http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/24564https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/atcs/19/2/19_oa.12.02234/_articlePurpose: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the health-related quality of life of the patients who underwent mitral valve repair (MvRp) and mitral valve replacement (MVR).info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessmitral valve repairComparison of the Health Related Quality of Life of Patients Following Mitral Valve Surgical Procedures in the 6-Months Follow-up: A Prospective StudyArticleWOS:0003186648000058487647093110.5761/atcs.oa.12.0223423558228