BAYSAL, BİROLOMAR, MASRİDANALIOĞLU, AHMETİLBAK, AYÇAKAYAR, YUSUFİNCE, ALİ TÜZÜNŞENTÜRK, HAKAN2020-01-162020-01-162015-05-19BAYSAL B., OMAR M., DANALIOĞLU A., İLBAK A., KAYAR Y., İNCE A. T. , ŞENTÜRK H., -The role of EUS examination and EUS guided fine needle aspiration biopsy for evaluation of gastric subepithelial lesions A large single center experience-, Digestive Diseases Week 2015, Washington, Kiribati, 15 - 19 Mayıs 2015 role of EUS examination and EUS guided fine needle aspiration biopsy for evaluation of gastric subepithelial lesions A large single center experienceConference Paper1511519